Thursday, May 14, 2020

Psychological Approaches Of Modern Psychology - 850 Words

I have chosen question numbers two and four for my test. For question two, I will list and define the five psychological approaches of modern psychology we have studied.1) The Biological Approach: The biological approach believes everything is hardwired to our genes, hormones and nervous system and how it interacts with our environment. ( Plotnik-Pg 6) Our physical bodies shape our behavior, for example, autism is believed to originate in early brain development, where brain cells appear to connect irregularly. ( Plotnik-Pg 6) This is the approach where we see most of our genetic illness such as epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia. Although, there are other factors that can contribute to these disorders other than biological, which we will discuss later.2) The Behavioral Approach: The behavioral approach analyzes how all living creatures behavior is learned by events in their lives that either reward or punish. ( Plotnik-Pg 8) It has been proven that if rats in a maze are rewarded with food they will take the same path over and over but change the ending of that very same path to a punishment and they will avoid taking it again. Humans learn the same way; if one holds onto a match to long and burns their finger, they will be careful to make sure; they put it out before it reaches that point next time. If one suffers from an anxiety disorder, learning ways to control behavior would be extremely beneficial 3) The Cognitive Approach: The cognitiveShow MoreRelatedThe Contribution of Different Approaches to Psychology for the Development of Modern Psychology1147 Words   |  5 Pages Psychology is a vast field which consists of theories and approaches where it involves certain assumptions on human behavior. How they function and the aspects of the behavior that needs to be studied, in addition to the research methods that are needed to be followed in order to understand it thoroughly. 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