Thursday, December 26, 2019

Energy Drinks And Its Effects On Society - 1546 Words

The media for example news, billboards, commercials, internet ads they all cover everything right now there are a lot of media coverage for energy drinks. Energy drinks are a drink intended to boost mental energy, typically containing sugar and caffeine or other stimulants. If you look around there are commercials for energy drinks everywhere on billboards and at stores. Its hard not to be interested in something when it pops up everywhere u look. many energy drinks consist of the same ingredients the main being sugar, caffeine, B vitamins and other additives (energy drink 2012). it seems whenever you turn on the tv and a commercial comes on there is always one about energy drinks. the idea that drinking energy drinks won t just make you full of energy it make the people who drink it feel like they are same like everyone else no matter the effects. That idea gets into people s brains and that makes them want these energy drinks. the fact that the media is not talking about how unhe althy these energy drinks are and just having people think that energy drinks will give you energy without any effects well that goes against everything americans stand for and the fact that the FDA hasn t done anything about regulating energy drinks concern me and it should also concern you. Back then when tv was barely around there were newspapers which people read for entertainment those newspapers talked about cigarettes and how they were cool to use and never talked about the harmfulShow MoreRelatedEnergy Drinks Speech923 Words   |  4 Pagesgetting a jolt of energy from a cup of coffee or tea in the morning for hundreds of years, so getting that jolt in a little can seems to make sense, right? B. The desire for a powerful energy drink can lead to a lot of misinformation. C. 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