Thursday, December 26, 2019

Energy Drinks And Its Effects On Society - 1546 Words

The media for example news, billboards, commercials, internet ads they all cover everything right now there are a lot of media coverage for energy drinks. Energy drinks are a drink intended to boost mental energy, typically containing sugar and caffeine or other stimulants. If you look around there are commercials for energy drinks everywhere on billboards and at stores. Its hard not to be interested in something when it pops up everywhere u look. many energy drinks consist of the same ingredients the main being sugar, caffeine, B vitamins and other additives (energy drink 2012). it seems whenever you turn on the tv and a commercial comes on there is always one about energy drinks. the idea that drinking energy drinks won t just make you full of energy it make the people who drink it feel like they are same like everyone else no matter the effects. That idea gets into people s brains and that makes them want these energy drinks. the fact that the media is not talking about how unhe althy these energy drinks are and just having people think that energy drinks will give you energy without any effects well that goes against everything americans stand for and the fact that the FDA hasn t done anything about regulating energy drinks concern me and it should also concern you. Back then when tv was barely around there were newspapers which people read for entertainment those newspapers talked about cigarettes and how they were cool to use and never talked about the harmfulShow MoreRelatedEnergy Drinks Speech923 Words   |  4 Pagesgetting a jolt of energy from a cup of coffee or tea in the morning for hundreds of years, so getting that jolt in a little can seems to make sense, right? B. The desire for a powerful energy drink can lead to a lot of misinformation. C. There is a lot of misinformation about energy drinks in regards to they speed up your metabolism, help you with your workout, mixing these drinks with alcohol, and the effects on your body. II. BODY OF THE SPEECH D. Energy drinks speed up yourRead MoreEnergy Drinks Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pages In the present society, people’s schedules tend to be extremely hectic due to either strenuous work schedules or keeping up with school and families. Due to this, numerous individuals do not obtain the recommended eight hours of sleep. On top of not getting enough sleep, they do not eat the proper foods to nourish their bodies. In return, they have a substantial lack of energy. Usually people who do not take care of themselves tend to eventually get more tired by mid-day and as their day goes onRead MoreIntroduction of Indirect Taxing on Energy Drinks in France646 Words   |  3 Pagestax on energy drinks at â‚ ¬1 per liter. The tax was imposed to tackle alcohol consumption among France’s young population and energy drinks consumption due to its high levels of caffeine and sugar. A form of government intervention, an indirect tax, â€Å"a tax placed on consumption that is considered indirect since households only pay then when they buy a good, † affects the energy drinks market outcomes. Pertaining to the diagram above, previous to government intervention, the energy drinks market wasRead MoreThe Effects Of Drugs And Its Effects On Society1670 Words   |  7 PagesMany people don’t consider the real effects of drugs when they are about to use it. In today’s society, there are various types of drugs or substances that are either on the legal or illegal side. Just because a substance is legal does not make it beneficial and vice versa. The main categories of drugs are stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. The drug category that I would like to focus on is stimulants. The most heavily and frequently used stimulant, which is caffeine. Never does it crossRead MorePros And Cons Of Energy Drinks1177 Words   |  5 PagesAs the selling of energy drinks begin to accelerate quickly over the years there has been the pros and cons of these kinds of beverages. Researchers have been finding evidence where adolescents have stated the hazards and benefits of th ese common drinks. In the early 2000s the percentages of consumptions of energy drinks from young children including early adults have rapidly been increasing over the years. The evidence that the Pediatrics is stating is proven and have reported that in 2003 an averageRead MoreCaffeine And Sport Performance : Caffeine Is The Most Loved And Widely Used Stimulants1538 Words   |  7 Pagesdietary sources, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, some soda and energy drinks, as well as some nonprescription medications. It is considered as a legal drug and consumed by all people in the society. Some people believed that that caffeine is good for healthy adults because it keep them awake, boost up their memories, as well as improve their metabolism and mental alertness. However, some people believed that caffeine brings negative side effects because it will cause restlessness, insomnia, vomiting, andRead MoreSugar High Energy Drinks Are Everywhere1435 Words   |  6 PagesSugar High Energy drinks are everywhere. You see them in stores, you see them in vending machines, you see them on television, and you see them in the palms of the hands of those you may know. There like, a candy bar to a kid. Almost everyone one is popping them in their mouth! However, energy drinks is a drink that is suppose to give you a boost of energy right after you drink it. It’s known to make you alert. Although, no one is really told by ads all over that represent these â€Å"energy drink† the seriousRead MoreMarketing Environment For V8 V Fusion + Energy Drinks962 Words   |  4 Pagesmore energy, but 40% of consumers do not believe energy drinks are healthy for them (South University Online. 2015). The Campbell Soup Company is expanding into the energy category through the V8 brand with the introduction of V8 V-Fusion + Energy drinks. V-Fusion + Energy are refreshing and energizing beverages made with a blend of vegetable and fruit juices and powered naturally by gre en tea. This product would be the first of its kind in the market, one of the major advantages of the drink is userRead MoreEffects Of Caffeine On Students s Daily Life Essay1405 Words   |  6 Pages Many drink coffee because it increase their energy and concentration. Insufficient sleep is common among students and the extra jolt of energy they get from coffee helps them complete their daily task. Due to this, coffee is heavily relied on. Coffee is not the only source of caffeine that students relied on. Energy drink is also popular among the students as well. According to a survey study by Brenda M Malinauskas, â€Å"The majority of users consumed energy drinks to increase their energy (65%)Read MoreMonster Energy Drink Target Audience and Company Objectives1190 Words   |  5 PagesConsumer Behavior Monster Energy Target Market Because the energy drink is still part of a new and developing industry, the energy drink target market is different than in some of the other beverage industries. Monster energy drinks have become a very popular, â€Å"hip† part of society, but the market at which they are aimed is not as wide and expansive, or diverse, as some might think. Early in energy drink history, when they were first being sold in the United States, athletes were the primary consumers

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on The Prince vs. the Republic - 1024 Words

Machiavellis criticism of Platos The Republic states that a ruler who possesses an inherent quality of that which is consistently good will never have the authority to rule his or her people successfully. If a ruler always treats his subjects in a manner, which can be qualified as good, then he will ultimately meet his demise, as his subjects will rise against him. Machiavelli claims that it is unrealistic to assume that all the people of a kingdom will conduct themselves in a manner that will be consistent with the ruling of a good leader. Such republics or principalities do not exist in reality and are entirely hypothetical situations. Plato treats his republic as a means of demonstrating that there is a certain way for all people†¦show more content†¦He believes that the knowledge and application of the good will lead to a perfect state. However, this cannot be said to be realistic, as despite the education of the good, ones desires will ultimately overcome the need to be good and the state will collapse. If the rulers are only thinking of the overall good of the state, their own needs will not be met, which can lead to unhappiness on the part of the rulers and ultimately to the downfall of the system. Machiavelli implies in his criticism that the needs of the ruler must be met in order to maintain a stable state, he must trust his instincts and base desires in order to remain true to himself. If he does not, as Plato states and does as he ought to, not as he wishes to, then he will be living a lie within himself and not rule as he should. Without being true to what human nature tells one to do, an uprisi ng either within the ruler or of the subjects will take place and the state cannot stay afloat. As Plato states in the republic the desires of the less respectable majority are controlled by the desires and the wisdom of the superior minority (Part 5, 431d), however one cannot suppress all of the desires forever and the people will finally realize the oppression that they are experiencing and rise against the superior minority. The minority will not possess the power needed to control the less respectableShow MoreRelatedPetrarch and Machiavelli Essay809 Words   |  4 PagesThoughts on Ruling: Machiavelli VS. Petrarch In the fourteenth century, the humanist philosopher Francesco Petrarch wrote a letter entitled How a Ruler Ought to Govern His Sate. Nearly a century later, another philosopher by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book about governing, The Prince. The two documents show many similarities in content and theme. 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However, the theories and principles developed by the two philosophers are vastly different in regard to the concept of truth, Socrates would hate Machiavelli’s model prince due to Machiavelli’s manipulative view of truth. While Socrates desired a state that focuses on fundamental truth and ethical decisions, MachiavelliRead MoreCritical Reflection on the Hidden Influence of the British Monarchy on Politics1336 Words   |  6 Pagesmeant they had the right to do anything he wanted as they had been appointed by God. However, after a century of bloody civil wars, unrest and political tensions -including the execution of Charles I, the Revolution of 1688, the rise and fall of a Republic and the restoration of the monarchy- the Parliament passed the Bill of Rights in 1689 (Stoyle, 2011). This document established the first foundations of constitutional monarchy, that is, a monarchy whose powers are bound by some written and unwrittenRead More The prince Essay1526 Words   |  7 Pages Niccolo Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince† attempts to explain the necessary tactics and required knowledge a ruler must attain in order to gain and maintain a successful reign. The novel serves as an abstract manual, addressing the definition of a good/bad ruler by placing emphasis on the required military organization, the character a ruler must posses, and the success that could be attained if a ruler should follow the guide. The scope in which the book is written is that of a scholarly observant. MachiavelliRead MoreWalt Disneys The Lion King Essay1031 Words   |  5 Pagesresponsibility and revenge. However, this theme is one of the oldest in history, and it is not the least apparent in one of the oldest works of literature by The Bard himself, William Shakespeare. The work that Disneys TLK parallels is none other tha n Hamlet: Prince of Denmark and the film shadow this work so closely, that parallels between the main characters themselves are wildly apparent. But with a closer inspection of the characters themselves do we see just how apparent these similarities are. While inRead MoreVirtue and Prince4449 Words   |  18 PagesThe Prince is concerned with autocratic regimes Autocracy regime Regime autocracy a mode or system of rule or government of or relating to an absolute and unrestricted ruler a ruling or prevailing system. domineering or dictatorial a government in power. Wikipedia The Qualities of a Prince (Chapters 14-19) Each of the following chapters presents a discussion about a particular virtue or vice that a prince might have, and is therefore structured in aRead MoreMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought2559 Words   |  11 PagesMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought Niccolo Machiavelli was a political realist. He thought there were certain skills and characteristics needed to become a political ruler. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli gives advice on how to be a successful prince, or ruler. Successful is partly based on how powerful a ruler was during his lifetime (reign), but largely based on how much the prince affected the lives, through laws or societal norms, of future generations. Machiavelli was mainly interestedRead MoreThirty Years’ War The Thirty Years War was a series of wars fought in the Holy Roman empire,900 Words   |  4 PagesProtestant states: Great Britain, the Dutch Republic, and Denmark (Trueman). Even though the war between the German Catholics and German Protestants were all in the Holy Roman Empire were both Christian it slowly spread was more of a fight over the balance of power. There were two sides in the Thirty Years’ War the Protestant League and the Catholic League. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Writing Experience in English 102 free essay sample

In the following essay , I will reflect on how my writing has improved and the affect of English 102 on my writing. Then I will touch on how I have attempted to overcome my weaknesses with my writing and my research project. The biggest thing I have learned from English 102 is how to become a better writer. Writing is a difficult process for me. Originally starting the writing process in English 102 , I thought writing would difficult for me and would not meet the course goals. I took this class for two reason ; It was a degree requirement and I wanted improve my writing skills. Even though the course difficult, I learned a lot about the writing process. I took English 101 at MATC. So, I never had a portfolio formatted class before taking English 102. Improving my critical analysis skill was a must. As I reflect upon my strengths and weaknesses as they relate to my writing, I think of the old saying about how my â€Å" my greatest weaknesses became my greatest strength† applies here. We will write a custom essay sample on My Writing Experience in English 102 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of problems I have with writing is expressing my ideas and thoughts in concise and coherent manner. As the semester progressed toward its end, I have learned new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audience. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. When I was going to school some few years back , I had to lookup up sources manually on card catalog . Now that time has past , the creation of the internet has revolutionized the research process. This technology allows a beginning researcher like myself to search for articles with just using key words. The internet significantly help improve my research and writing skills. Even with the with computer , my research skills were average. My research skills to gather creditable information improved , after a tutorial session in the libriary. I would consider myself a decent writer with strengths and areas to work on. My writing strengths include being able to create coherent and concise ideas. However, I feel that I can work on several aspect of my writing still. While I am improving , I feel that my thesis statement could have been better. I should have develop my thesis through many stages , not just using the first version that pop to mind. I believe that if I had developed my thesis more completely ,my writing would be of better quality and more focused. Peer review of my controlling purpose and thesis statements helped me generate a thesis and purpose statement that worked with my research project. Another area that I feel I could work on to improve myself as writer is expand upon my ideas more. While I have good ideas , I feel I often stop too soon to present a completely well thought out analysis. Writing assignments helped me with some of the constraints on my writing. Writing a critical analysis essay such as the one in English 102 is much different than writing a simple paper. The strict and academic nature of English 102 has demanded me to change my writing stlye. I consider my greatest strength as a writer to be my insightfulness and creative slant which I approach my writing. I now know how critical inquiry works and I enthusiastically grasp the details of my sources with eagerness and relate to them. In other words , I engage with my sources. I enjoyed gathering sources for research project and tried to explain them to my audience. Curiosity lead me to do a detailed evaluation of my sources. Reading my sources more than once, allowed me to understand what the authors were trying to say. My choices of sources reflect my interest in a variety of writing styles. I used critical analysis to pick apart my sources for useful details. Now let me reflect back on my research project. My goal with my project was about the power of words , which may render positive or negative results. In doing my research on words and labels, I learned how powerful the written or spoken word can be. Words tell much more than stories. Stories tell about life and the human condition. But, words define and transform human life through labels and symbols. Words let us express our feelings and emotions. To meet the course goals , I took my research project through several stages in the writing process. I believe that the writing process differ from person to person. We were given the assignment to write several annotations of sources . There were four scholarly articles and four non-scholarly articles. The purpose of this assignment was to generate information for the first draft of research project. What helped me choose the articles I did was the article by Shadle and Davis. In the article , Shadle and Davis proposed alternatives to traditional research. The main purpose of the article was to urge the student like myself to become critical inquiry writer. This is one of course goals I am aiming for. These alternatives offer me an opportunity to engage in research with a personal choice. With this new found freedom of choice, I could choose my own research topic. So I chose the topic on the power of rhetoric. I chose this topic because I knew words had power but, I wanted to know why. Doing research writing is like a detective solving a mystery. You must go beyond the surface to find the evidence. I critically analyzed my research project sources. There are two of my sources that met my original expections. In this article , she describes how the label T. A. constructed her idenity. The label created a dual I dentity . I called it a dual identity complex because she has to play two roles. These two roles created a conflict between the teacher- student paradigm; the teacher who is possessor of knowledge and the student seeker of knowledge. The way she presented the information caught my intention immediately, that why I chose this article.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Ivf Essays - Human Pregnancy, Obstetrics, Fertility Medicine, Family

Ivf IVF is a technological development design to assist couples who are physically infertile and wanting a child. The IVF treatment was originally designed to assist or treat parents unable to conceive naturally. Why should it now be made available to those who chose not to become pregnant the natural way. Although preventing single woman and lesbian from having access to IVF treatment can be seen as an intrusion of theirs right but the main issue here is the child's right's. A child deserves to have a father and mother. Families are struggling to stay together, as it is in our society, it would be putting that child at a disadvantage to start life without one. A father role is very much important as a mother's in a child's life. A mother does best at being a mother and a father does best at being a father. One can not in anyway fully compensate for the other, you can not say that having just one is better than both, You want the child to growing up having the maximum opportunity and the best way for this is having a mother and a father. Both father and mother contribute different and essential things to the child as it grows up and the child can then experienced both side of female and male. How would a gay couple or single parent provide both? . It is true that there are many families now in which one parent has died or there has been a divorce, but these are tragedies we should not be setting out to deliberately create tragedies. Also there is an impor tant difference between being fatherless as a result of divorce or death and a child who never intended to have a father. This will have a great impact on the child who never have and never will know their father. Having a father in a child's life is very important and necessary. First of all parenting is a difficult job and a mother needs the help and support of a father. Children from single parent households are more likely to live in poverty than those from two parent families so there is a need for both parent to ensure the best possible start for new born life. The reason that it takes a male and a female to create a new human is because both are also required to raise the child until it can take care for itself. Another reason is that our society is already has too many children not growing up with both male & female parents now without having to bring more of them into the world. For centuries the ideal family is with a mother and father and unfortunately divorce is becoming more common these days, so if we allow this to continue we will further loose the value of the traditional way of a family. Anther issue here is that the males of our society. Are they going to be made redundant? Are we putting forward the message that men are not important anymore? Woman choosing to raise children through IVF is sending a message to their children including sons, that fatherhood is irrelevant. Are these the women we want raising the next generation of Australian's. As well as mothers fathers is vital to a child's upbringing so let's not further devalue the role of fathers in our children's lives. IVF was for the couples that were unable to conceive children in the normal way. If we allow single women and gay groups access to the IVF system it would not only cost more, but also slowing down the process for those who are physically infertile. These people have chose not to have a child the natural way so other people shouldn't have to wait because of this. IVF is a wonderful invention of mankind for the benefit of those who cannot have children in the normal way. The waiting list is long, if we allow 'anyone' access will the list grow even longer? By the time you reach the top you are then old for the program and have wasted your entire life without a child of your own. So inclusion I think the issue here the the