Thursday, December 26, 2019

Energy Drinks And Its Effects On Society - 1546 Words

The media for example news, billboards, commercials, internet ads they all cover everything right now there are a lot of media coverage for energy drinks. Energy drinks are a drink intended to boost mental energy, typically containing sugar and caffeine or other stimulants. If you look around there are commercials for energy drinks everywhere on billboards and at stores. Its hard not to be interested in something when it pops up everywhere u look. many energy drinks consist of the same ingredients the main being sugar, caffeine, B vitamins and other additives (energy drink 2012). it seems whenever you turn on the tv and a commercial comes on there is always one about energy drinks. the idea that drinking energy drinks won t just make you full of energy it make the people who drink it feel like they are same like everyone else no matter the effects. That idea gets into people s brains and that makes them want these energy drinks. the fact that the media is not talking about how unhe althy these energy drinks are and just having people think that energy drinks will give you energy without any effects well that goes against everything americans stand for and the fact that the FDA hasn t done anything about regulating energy drinks concern me and it should also concern you. Back then when tv was barely around there were newspapers which people read for entertainment those newspapers talked about cigarettes and how they were cool to use and never talked about the harmfulShow MoreRelatedEnergy Drinks Speech923 Words   |  4 Pagesgetting a jolt of energy from a cup of coffee or tea in the morning for hundreds of years, so getting that jolt in a little can seems to make sense, right? B. The desire for a powerful energy drink can lead to a lot of misinformation. C. There is a lot of misinformation about energy drinks in regards to they speed up your metabolism, help you with your workout, mixing these drinks with alcohol, and the effects on your body. II. BODY OF THE SPEECH D. Energy drinks speed up yourRead MoreEnergy Drinks Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pages In the present society, people’s schedules tend to be extremely hectic due to either strenuous work schedules or keeping up with school and families. Due to this, numerous individuals do not obtain the recommended eight hours of sleep. On top of not getting enough sleep, they do not eat the proper foods to nourish their bodies. In return, they have a substantial lack of energy. Usually people who do not take care of themselves tend to eventually get more tired by mid-day and as their day goes onRead MoreIntroduction of Indirect Taxing on Energy Drinks in France646 Words   |  3 Pagestax on energy drinks at â‚ ¬1 per liter. The tax was imposed to tackle alcohol consumption among France’s young population and energy drinks consumption due to its high levels of caffeine and sugar. A form of government intervention, an indirect tax, â€Å"a tax placed on consumption that is considered indirect since households only pay then when they buy a good, † affects the energy drinks market outcomes. Pertaining to the diagram above, previous to government intervention, the energy drinks market wasRead MoreThe Effects Of Drugs And Its Effects On Society1670 Words   |  7 PagesMany people don’t consider the real effects of drugs when they are about to use it. In today’s society, there are various types of drugs or substances that are either on the legal or illegal side. Just because a substance is legal does not make it beneficial and vice versa. The main categories of drugs are stimulants, depressants, and hallucinogens. The drug category that I would like to focus on is stimulants. The most heavily and frequently used stimulant, which is caffeine. Never does it crossRead MorePros And Cons Of Energy Drinks1177 Words   |  5 PagesAs the selling of energy drinks begin to accelerate quickly over the years there has been the pros and cons of these kinds of beverages. Researchers have been finding evidence where adolescents have stated the hazards and benefits of th ese common drinks. In the early 2000s the percentages of consumptions of energy drinks from young children including early adults have rapidly been increasing over the years. The evidence that the Pediatrics is stating is proven and have reported that in 2003 an averageRead MoreCaffeine And Sport Performance : Caffeine Is The Most Loved And Widely Used Stimulants1538 Words   |  7 Pagesdietary sources, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, some soda and energy drinks, as well as some nonprescription medications. It is considered as a legal drug and consumed by all people in the society. Some people believed that that caffeine is good for healthy adults because it keep them awake, boost up their memories, as well as improve their metabolism and mental alertness. However, some people believed that caffeine brings negative side effects because it will cause restlessness, insomnia, vomiting, andRead MoreSugar High Energy Drinks Are Everywhere1435 Words   |  6 PagesSugar High Energy drinks are everywhere. You see them in stores, you see them in vending machines, you see them on television, and you see them in the palms of the hands of those you may know. There like, a candy bar to a kid. Almost everyone one is popping them in their mouth! However, energy drinks is a drink that is suppose to give you a boost of energy right after you drink it. It’s known to make you alert. Although, no one is really told by ads all over that represent these â€Å"energy drink† the seriousRead MoreMarketing Environment For V8 V Fusion + Energy Drinks962 Words   |  4 Pagesmore energy, but 40% of consumers do not believe energy drinks are healthy for them (South University Online. 2015). The Campbell Soup Company is expanding into the energy category through the V8 brand with the introduction of V8 V-Fusion + Energy drinks. V-Fusion + Energy are refreshing and energizing beverages made with a blend of vegetable and fruit juices and powered naturally by gre en tea. This product would be the first of its kind in the market, one of the major advantages of the drink is userRead MoreEffects Of Caffeine On Students s Daily Life Essay1405 Words   |  6 Pages Many drink coffee because it increase their energy and concentration. Insufficient sleep is common among students and the extra jolt of energy they get from coffee helps them complete their daily task. Due to this, coffee is heavily relied on. Coffee is not the only source of caffeine that students relied on. Energy drink is also popular among the students as well. According to a survey study by Brenda M Malinauskas, â€Å"The majority of users consumed energy drinks to increase their energy (65%)Read MoreMonster Energy Drink Target Audience and Company Objectives1190 Words   |  5 PagesConsumer Behavior Monster Energy Target Market Because the energy drink is still part of a new and developing industry, the energy drink target market is different than in some of the other beverage industries. Monster energy drinks have become a very popular, â€Å"hip† part of society, but the market at which they are aimed is not as wide and expansive, or diverse, as some might think. Early in energy drink history, when they were first being sold in the United States, athletes were the primary consumers

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Essay on The Prince vs. the Republic - 1024 Words

Machiavellis criticism of Platos The Republic states that a ruler who possesses an inherent quality of that which is consistently good will never have the authority to rule his or her people successfully. If a ruler always treats his subjects in a manner, which can be qualified as good, then he will ultimately meet his demise, as his subjects will rise against him. Machiavelli claims that it is unrealistic to assume that all the people of a kingdom will conduct themselves in a manner that will be consistent with the ruling of a good leader. Such republics or principalities do not exist in reality and are entirely hypothetical situations. Plato treats his republic as a means of demonstrating that there is a certain way for all people†¦show more content†¦He believes that the knowledge and application of the good will lead to a perfect state. However, this cannot be said to be realistic, as despite the education of the good, ones desires will ultimately overcome the need to be good and the state will collapse. If the rulers are only thinking of the overall good of the state, their own needs will not be met, which can lead to unhappiness on the part of the rulers and ultimately to the downfall of the system. Machiavelli implies in his criticism that the needs of the ruler must be met in order to maintain a stable state, he must trust his instincts and base desires in order to remain true to himself. If he does not, as Plato states and does as he ought to, not as he wishes to, then he will be living a lie within himself and not rule as he should. Without being true to what human nature tells one to do, an uprisi ng either within the ruler or of the subjects will take place and the state cannot stay afloat. As Plato states in the republic the desires of the less respectable majority are controlled by the desires and the wisdom of the superior minority (Part 5, 431d), however one cannot suppress all of the desires forever and the people will finally realize the oppression that they are experiencing and rise against the superior minority. The minority will not possess the power needed to control the less respectableShow MoreRelatedPetrarch and Machiavelli Essay809 Words   |  4 PagesThoughts on Ruling: Machiavelli VS. Petrarch In the fourteenth century, the humanist philosopher Francesco Petrarch wrote a letter entitled How a Ruler Ought to Govern His Sate. Nearly a century later, another philosopher by the name of Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a book about governing, The Prince. The two documents show many similarities in content and theme. While the two wrote in similar subject matter, it is clear that these philosophers possess distinctly different viewpoints on how a rulerRead MoreComparing Aristotle And Niccolo Machiavelli Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesfirst. Aristotle was a scholar and philosopher who practiced metaphysics (the desire to know everything) and thus wrote on a multitude of subjects. His work in writing Politics was part of his scholarly career. Machiavelli wrote The Prince to win favor with a prince and thus elevate his position. In the terms of the basic goals of politics, Aristotle saw humans as â€Å"political animal(s)† (Aristotle 6) and thus politics as a force of nature, so by default humans were destined for political activityRead MoreCompare And Contrast Socrates And Machiavelli1419 Words   |  6 PagesSocrates vs. Machiavelli: The meaning of truth As philosophers, both Socrates and Niccolo Machiavelli developed theories in response to the warring political environment around them. However, the theories and principles developed by the two philosophers are vastly different in regard to the concept of truth, Socrates would hate Machiavelli’s model prince due to Machiavelli’s manipulative view of truth. While Socrates desired a state that focuses on fundamental truth and ethical decisions, MachiavelliRead MoreCritical Reflection on the Hidden Influence of the British Monarchy on Politics1336 Words   |  6 Pagesmeant they had the right to do anything he wanted as they had been appointed by God. However, after a century of bloody civil wars, unrest and political tensions -including the execution of Charles I, the Revolution of 1688, the rise and fall of a Republic and the restoration of the monarchy- the Parliament passed the Bill of Rights in 1689 (Stoyle, 2011). This document established the first foundations of constitutional monarchy, that is, a monarchy whose powers are bound by some written and unwrittenRead More The prince Essay1526 Words   |  7 Pages Niccolo Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince† attempts to explain the necessary tactics and required knowledge a ruler must attain in order to gain and maintain a successful reign. The novel serves as an abstract manual, addressing the definition of a good/bad ruler by placing emphasis on the required military organization, the character a ruler must posses, and the success that could be attained if a ruler should follow the guide. The scope in which the book is written is that of a scholarly observant. MachiavelliRead MoreWalt Disneys The Lion King Essay1031 Words   |  5 Pagesresponsibility and revenge. However, this theme is one of the oldest in history, and it is not the least apparent in one of the oldest works of literature by The Bard himself, William Shakespeare. The work that Disneys TLK parallels is none other tha n Hamlet: Prince of Denmark and the film shadow this work so closely, that parallels between the main characters themselves are wildly apparent. But with a closer inspection of the characters themselves do we see just how apparent these similarities are. While inRead MoreVirtue and Prince4449 Words   |  18 PagesThe Prince is concerned with autocratic regimes Autocracy regime Regime autocracy a mode or system of rule or government of or relating to an absolute and unrestricted ruler a ruling or prevailing system. domineering or dictatorial a government in power. Wikipedia The Qualities of a Prince (Chapters 14-19) Each of the following chapters presents a discussion about a particular virtue or vice that a prince might have, and is therefore structured in aRead MoreMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought2559 Words   |  11 PagesMachiavelli vs Islamic Political Thought Niccolo Machiavelli was a political realist. He thought there were certain skills and characteristics needed to become a political ruler. In his work, The Prince, Machiavelli gives advice on how to be a successful prince, or ruler. Successful is partly based on how powerful a ruler was during his lifetime (reign), but largely based on how much the prince affected the lives, through laws or societal norms, of future generations. Machiavelli was mainly interestedRead MoreThirty Years’ War The Thirty Years War was a series of wars fought in the Holy Roman empire,900 Words   |  4 PagesProtestant states: Great Britain, the Dutch Republic, and Denmark (Trueman). Even though the war between the German Catholics and German Protestants were all in the Holy Roman Empire were both Christian it slowly spread was more of a fight over the balance of power. There were two sides in the Thirty Years’ War the Protestant League and the Catholic League. The Protestant League consisted of Frederick of Bohemia who was the leader of the Protestant princes, Denmark led by king Christian IV, SwedenRead MoreSocrates Vs. The Prince1842 Words   |  8 PagesSocrates vs. The Prince Niccolà ² Machiavelli, a Florentine philosopher and political aficionado from the 16th century and Socrates, a classical Athenian savant who lived during the 5th century B.C., are both judged as being forefathers to modern western political science and thought. The two great men both came from erratic epochs within their respective nations of Italy and Greece: wars, transitions of power, and domestic conflicts left their countries void of sustainable leadership and in desperate

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

My Writing Experience in English 102 free essay sample

In the following essay , I will reflect on how my writing has improved and the affect of English 102 on my writing. Then I will touch on how I have attempted to overcome my weaknesses with my writing and my research project. The biggest thing I have learned from English 102 is how to become a better writer. Writing is a difficult process for me. Originally starting the writing process in English 102 , I thought writing would difficult for me and would not meet the course goals. I took this class for two reason ; It was a degree requirement and I wanted improve my writing skills. Even though the course difficult, I learned a lot about the writing process. I took English 101 at MATC. So, I never had a portfolio formatted class before taking English 102. Improving my critical analysis skill was a must. As I reflect upon my strengths and weaknesses as they relate to my writing, I think of the old saying about how my â€Å" my greatest weaknesses became my greatest strength† applies here. We will write a custom essay sample on My Writing Experience in English 102 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of problems I have with writing is expressing my ideas and thoughts in concise and coherent manner. As the semester progressed toward its end, I have learned new writing skills and gradually learned how to engage with audience. This skill was very useful in meeting my course goals in English 102. When I was going to school some few years back , I had to lookup up sources manually on card catalog . Now that time has past , the creation of the internet has revolutionized the research process. This technology allows a beginning researcher like myself to search for articles with just using key words. The internet significantly help improve my research and writing skills. Even with the with computer , my research skills were average. My research skills to gather creditable information improved , after a tutorial session in the libriary. I would consider myself a decent writer with strengths and areas to work on. My writing strengths include being able to create coherent and concise ideas. However, I feel that I can work on several aspect of my writing still. While I am improving , I feel that my thesis statement could have been better. I should have develop my thesis through many stages , not just using the first version that pop to mind. I believe that if I had developed my thesis more completely ,my writing would be of better quality and more focused. Peer review of my controlling purpose and thesis statements helped me generate a thesis and purpose statement that worked with my research project. Another area that I feel I could work on to improve myself as writer is expand upon my ideas more. While I have good ideas , I feel I often stop too soon to present a completely well thought out analysis. Writing assignments helped me with some of the constraints on my writing. Writing a critical analysis essay such as the one in English 102 is much different than writing a simple paper. The strict and academic nature of English 102 has demanded me to change my writing stlye. I consider my greatest strength as a writer to be my insightfulness and creative slant which I approach my writing. I now know how critical inquiry works and I enthusiastically grasp the details of my sources with eagerness and relate to them. In other words , I engage with my sources. I enjoyed gathering sources for research project and tried to explain them to my audience. Curiosity lead me to do a detailed evaluation of my sources. Reading my sources more than once, allowed me to understand what the authors were trying to say. My choices of sources reflect my interest in a variety of writing styles. I used critical analysis to pick apart my sources for useful details. Now let me reflect back on my research project. My goal with my project was about the power of words , which may render positive or negative results. In doing my research on words and labels, I learned how powerful the written or spoken word can be. Words tell much more than stories. Stories tell about life and the human condition. But, words define and transform human life through labels and symbols. Words let us express our feelings and emotions. To meet the course goals , I took my research project through several stages in the writing process. I believe that the writing process differ from person to person. We were given the assignment to write several annotations of sources . There were four scholarly articles and four non-scholarly articles. The purpose of this assignment was to generate information for the first draft of research project. What helped me choose the articles I did was the article by Shadle and Davis. In the article , Shadle and Davis proposed alternatives to traditional research. The main purpose of the article was to urge the student like myself to become critical inquiry writer. This is one of course goals I am aiming for. These alternatives offer me an opportunity to engage in research with a personal choice. With this new found freedom of choice, I could choose my own research topic. So I chose the topic on the power of rhetoric. I chose this topic because I knew words had power but, I wanted to know why. Doing research writing is like a detective solving a mystery. You must go beyond the surface to find the evidence. I critically analyzed my research project sources. There are two of my sources that met my original expections. In this article , she describes how the label T. A. constructed her idenity. The label created a dual I dentity . I called it a dual identity complex because she has to play two roles. These two roles created a conflict between the teacher- student paradigm; the teacher who is possessor of knowledge and the student seeker of knowledge. The way she presented the information caught my intention immediately, that why I chose this article.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Ivf Essays - Human Pregnancy, Obstetrics, Fertility Medicine, Family

Ivf IVF is a technological development design to assist couples who are physically infertile and wanting a child. The IVF treatment was originally designed to assist or treat parents unable to conceive naturally. Why should it now be made available to those who chose not to become pregnant the natural way. Although preventing single woman and lesbian from having access to IVF treatment can be seen as an intrusion of theirs right but the main issue here is the child's right's. A child deserves to have a father and mother. Families are struggling to stay together, as it is in our society, it would be putting that child at a disadvantage to start life without one. A father role is very much important as a mother's in a child's life. A mother does best at being a mother and a father does best at being a father. One can not in anyway fully compensate for the other, you can not say that having just one is better than both, You want the child to growing up having the maximum opportunity and the best way for this is having a mother and a father. Both father and mother contribute different and essential things to the child as it grows up and the child can then experienced both side of female and male. How would a gay couple or single parent provide both? . It is true that there are many families now in which one parent has died or there has been a divorce, but these are tragedies we should not be setting out to deliberately create tragedies. Also there is an impor tant difference between being fatherless as a result of divorce or death and a child who never intended to have a father. This will have a great impact on the child who never have and never will know their father. Having a father in a child's life is very important and necessary. First of all parenting is a difficult job and a mother needs the help and support of a father. Children from single parent households are more likely to live in poverty than those from two parent families so there is a need for both parent to ensure the best possible start for new born life. The reason that it takes a male and a female to create a new human is because both are also required to raise the child until it can take care for itself. Another reason is that our society is already has too many children not growing up with both male & female parents now without having to bring more of them into the world. For centuries the ideal family is with a mother and father and unfortunately divorce is becoming more common these days, so if we allow this to continue we will further loose the value of the traditional way of a family. Anther issue here is that the males of our society. Are they going to be made redundant? Are we putting forward the message that men are not important anymore? Woman choosing to raise children through IVF is sending a message to their children including sons, that fatherhood is irrelevant. Are these the women we want raising the next generation of Australian's. As well as mothers fathers is vital to a child's upbringing so let's not further devalue the role of fathers in our children's lives. IVF was for the couples that were unable to conceive children in the normal way. If we allow single women and gay groups access to the IVF system it would not only cost more, but also slowing down the process for those who are physically infertile. These people have chose not to have a child the natural way so other people shouldn't have to wait because of this. IVF is a wonderful invention of mankind for the benefit of those who cannot have children in the normal way. The waiting list is long, if we allow 'anyone' access will the list grow even longer? By the time you reach the top you are then old for the program and have wasted your entire life without a child of your own. So inclusion I think the issue here the the

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

apwh essay unit 4

apwh essay unit 4 apwh essay unit 4 Compare the causes and early phases of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Japan. The causes of the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and Japan were different even though the outcome of having outstanding and popular revolutions was shared. In Western Europe the industrial revolution was taking place as more and more innovation were flourishing. The work in factories was increased because of the people that would come from agricultural places toward the cities in search for jobs, because agriculture was not providing enough for them. Contrasting that, what lead Japan to their industrial revolution was the stability which they counted with. This stability was related to having a well-functioning market linked to urban and rural areas, which in marked them as capitalist economists. Also the above percentages of women in literacy compared to other parts. Many other things contributed to Japan being a well-organized state which took them to their industrial growth. Compare the Haitian and French Revolutions. The French Revolution had a great impact on the development of the Haitian Revolution. They both had in common that the problem that lead to revolution was social conflict. Within the own place of each one, the disagreement and injustice toward the lower class people pushed them to start a revolution. They also shared the violent and strong radical position in their revolutions. In both revolutions slavery was abolished, even though in France it was temporarily. The idea of citizenship equality flourished as an outcome of both revolutions. There major difference was the influence of each region after their revolutions. France became a very powerful state with its own empire that even tried to conquer and impose their rule and Haiti. Haiti had the intention but since it was thought to do it with France and it didn’t rule, it didn’t have major influence. Compare the roles and conditions of elite women in Latin America with those in Western Europe before 1850. Role of women and conditions of elite women in Latina America and in the Western Europe was not that different. As being part of the elite class, those women had more rights than the working class or middle class women. They usually were in charge of stating home and taking care of the children and household. They were not forced to work usually. Even though they had more rights, they didn’t have much political influence, if any, and the patriarchal system was still prominent. The elite women in both regions, joined the other class women in order to claim for their rights, which later on took more importance and became a movement. They considered that they should have more participation and fought for equality and more liberty. Explain the forms of Western intervention in Latin America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Western Europe had a clear intervention in Latin America with the Haitian revolution, with France being a big influence in Haiti. Also with the Spanish

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Whose or Whos 3 Tips for Remembering the Difference

Whose or Who's 3 Tips for Remembering the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Who’s and whose both come from the pronoun who. While both words sound the same, they have very different meanings. These homophones can be tricky for even the most seasoned writers. In this article, we’ll discuss whose vs who’s, explain when to use whose or who’s, and give you tricks for remembering proper usage. Whose vs Who’s: What’s the Difference? To start, let’s define whose and who’s. Whose is a possessive pronoun that you should use when you’re asking or telling whom something belongs to. Who’s is a contraction made up of the words â€Å"who† and â€Å"is† or â€Å"who† and â€Å"has†. The Roots of Whose vs Who’s: Who and Whom The key to using â€Å"whose† vs â€Å"who’s† correctly is to understand the word at the root of each. When you learn the pronoun that forms the basis for â€Å"whose† and â€Å"who’s,† you’ll also develop a better understanding of how each word functions in a sentence. â€Å"Who† is one pronoun at the root of the difference between â€Å"whose† and â€Å"who’s.† â€Å"Who† is used as the subject of a sentence or clause. You’ll use â€Å"who† when asking a question about which person did something or when you’re describing a person. For example: Who put the pizza here? Who owns that dog? Hayley, who owns a cat, often has cat hair all over her clothes. â€Å"Whom† is the other word at the center of the â€Å"whose or who’s† conundrum. "Whom" is an object pronoun. An object pronoun is a word like â€Å"him,† â€Å"her,† or â€Å"them†. An object pronoun is a type of pronoun that’s used as a grammatical object, such as object of a verb or the object of a preposition. For example: Whom does she love? To whom was the teacher talking? With whom was she walking? In these examples, â€Å"whom† is the object, not the subject. Whose or Who’s? Now we know that whose and who’s come from whom and who. But when do you use each version? Who’s "Who’s" is a contraction made up of either â€Å"who+is† or â€Å"who+has†. The apostrophe in â€Å"who’s† stands in for the missing letters of â€Å"who+is† or â€Å"who+has.† You use â€Å"who’s† when you would otherwise be saying â€Å"who is† or â€Å"who has†. For instance, â€Å"Who is going to the party?† can become â€Å"Who’s going to the party?† Here are other examples of when you’d use â€Å"who’s†: Who’s coming to dinner tonight? Who’s got a better idea? Who’s excited for the new Avengers movie? Whose While â€Å"who’s† comes from â€Å"who†, â€Å"whose† is related to â€Å"whom.† Whose is a possessive pronoun that you used in questions where you’re asking about who owns something. For instance, â€Å"Whose puppy is this?† is another way of saying, â€Å"To whom does this puppy belong?† Here are some examples of when you’d use â€Å"whose†: Whose car alarm is going off? Whose house are we going to? Whose shoes are these? Tricks For Remembering Whose vs Who’s It might seem simple to remember the difference between whose or who’s when reading this article, but how will you remember when you’re off on your own? These tricks can help. #1: Say â€Å"Who Is† or â€Å"Who Has† One way to figure out whether you should use â€Å"who’s† or â€Å"whose† is to say â€Å"who is† out loud to yourself as you read or write. If that makes sense in the sentence, you should use who’s. If it doesn’t, you should use whose. #2: Look at What Follows Remember, whose is possessive. That means that whose is normally followed by a noun. If the sentence has a noun immediately after the whose or who’s, you should use whose. If there’s no noun or an article, use who’s. #3: Am I Using a Contraction? â€Å"Who’s† is a contraction while â€Å"whose† is not. All contractions use apostrophes to replace the missing letters formed by joining together words. If the word you’re writing is a contraction, it’s â€Å"who’s.† If the word isn’t a contraction, it’s â€Å"whose.† Whose or Who’s Examples Let’s take a look at some examples of when to use whose or who’s. Correct Usage of â€Å"Whose† in a Sentence Do you know whose car that is? Whose backpack is this? Whose line is it anyway? Correct Usage of â€Å"Who’s† in a Sentence Who’s excited for the holiday season? Do you know who’s going to the game? Who’s got the takeout menu? Key Takeaways: Whose vs. Who's Who’s is a contraction of â€Å"who + is† or â€Å"who + has†. Whose is another way of saying â€Å"belonging to whom†. What's Next? Reading The Great Gatsby for class or even just for fun?Then you'll definitely want to check out our expert guides on the biggest themes in this classic book, from love and relationships to money and materialism. Got questions about Arthur Miller'sThe Crucible? Readour in-depth articles to learn about the most important themes in this playand geta complete rundown of all the characters. For more information on your favorite works of literature, take a look at our collection of high-quality book guides!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sales and Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 27

Sales and Distribution - Essay Example The customer creation process also reveals how the SAP system handles the creation of unique customer IDs for new customers. The deep integration of customer data becomes evident as one goes through the process. For instance, the processing of a sales order from a customer involves linking back to a customer quotation that also includes discount data. Entering the quotation number in the system results in the quotation data populating the fields in the sales order screen. It thus becomes apparent that the entire order to cash cycle builds step to step as one proceeds through it. This gives the user an intuitive feel too for how the data is built at the back, and how the data is then re-used and made the basis for subsequent steps. It then also becomes apparent that getting the data right at every step of the process is crucial, because subsequent steps, in this case, the creation of a sales order, relies on accurate data from the quotation step in SAP that preceded it. Moreover, the process also involves integration with the inventory database and this is understood in the following step involving checking the status of the stock. This gives the user an idea of the level of integration of the data on inventories, production and other aspects of the supply chain further up and away from the perspective of processing an order. The cash to order process steps relies on the successful completion of previous steps, moreover, and the SAP system tracks successful completion. The successful delivery then is a prerequisite to the instigation of a successful billing procedure all the way to the creation of the invoice. Moreover, the integration of the data sets is evident in the way a user can track the accounting implications of an order after the creation of an invoice, and the posting of the receipt of payment.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Does the internationalisation process model explain the Essay

Does the internationalisation process model explain the internationalization strategy of Lenovo In your view what are the succe - Essay Example Outward investment also includes mergers and acquisitions and it is observed that ODI is steadily increasing due to the increasing productivity of the organizations. However, it has been observed that only productive companies can invest in foreign country operation facilities. There is a huge difference in the steadiness and competitiveness of the companies, which results in different productive indigenousness in the host countries. The study will deal with the various outwards opportunities faced by the Chinese organizations in the last two decades from the developing and developed countries. The recent evolution procedure in internationalization process has helped in the significant growth in the outward foreign direct investment. The developed countries are the main source of ODI for the developing economies, which is increasing steadily. It has been observed that China has been the leading source of ODI since the 1990’s and it has also helped in cross border investment fa cilities through the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) (Vox, 2008). It has been observed that among all the developing economies, China is one of the highest outward investor and the ratio of outward China has been 17 percent. China earns most of its ODI earnings from its manufacturing operations overseas, joint venture mining activities and also by setting up increasing sales office in the overseas operations (Ning, Lane and Sutherland, 2010). The Uppsala Internationalization Process Model As per authors Johanson & Wiedersheim (1977 cited in Ning, Lane and Sutherland, 2010) the internationalization is an incremental process, which involves no regular export activities, export through independent representatives, production and sales subsidiary. These authors developed a theoretical model regarding the internationalization process model. The internationalization process model focused on the development of the individual business organization and the gradual acquisition, integration of activities and the utilization of the operational facilities for overseas expansion. The basic fundamental aspect of the organization is that lack of understanding of the knowledge, which is an important obstacle in the development of the international operational facilities. These need to be acquired through necessary knowledge about the foreign markets, which can lower the perceived risks and the transaction costs and increase the commitment to the foreign markets (Lou and Tung, 2007).The market knowledge and the commitment will affect both the managerial and commitment decisions. It is assumed in the model that the organization strives to keep the risk taking decisions at lower level. The internationalization model assumes that the state of globalization or internationalization affects the perceived opportunities and the risks, which in turn have the potentiality of influencing the commitment decisions. The model describes the various operational phases especially at the multi s tage level. In the first stage the organization’s engagement in a particular country develops according to the chain; the chain involves established market pattern of a particular company (Sauvant, Maschek and McAllister, 2009). In the second stage, the organization enters the developed economy with a psychic distance (, 2012). Although, there are various restrictions regarding the internationalization model which is consistent among the different actors. These elements between the actors can only be judged an

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparative Religions Essay Example for Free

Comparative Religions Essay Judaism began in Israel, 2000 BCE. Christianity began in the middle east it began about 2000 years ago. Christianity is the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices. Judaism is the monotheistic religion of the Jews, based on the laws revealed to Moses and recorded in the Torah. Christianity and Judaism are similar and different in many ways, Both Religions believe in Jesus, they have a lot different beliefs, Both religions have Bibles, Christians has the bible, Jews have The Torah. Both religions believe in Jesus. Both religions believed in him but the Christians believed he would come back and that he was very special, Jews did not think all the same as the Christians. Jews do not believe that Jesus was divine, the Son of God, or the Messiah prophesied in Jewish scriptures. He is seen as a false messiah, someone who claimed the mantle of the Messiah but who ultimately did not meet the requirements laid out in Jewish beliefs. Christians believe that Jesus will come back to Earth to save/protect them. Religions have their agreements and their disagreements. The religions have a lot of different beliefs. They have lists and lists of different beliefs of Christians and Jews. Some of those beliefs are, Judaism says that no human can ever die or atone for the sins of others and sins can only be atoned for by animal sacrifice or prayer and restitution. Whereas Christianity says that Jesus died for the sins of mankind. Judaism says that all humans are born pure, and innocent. Christians say that all humans are born with original sin. Jews say that no man gets a second coming and the Messiah will not need one. Christians say that Jesus will have a second coming. These are only a few of the many different beliefs. Comparisons of the two religions are they both have books basically â€Å"Bibles†, but there not both called bibles. For Christians it is a Bible for Judaism it is a Torah. They both hold basically the same things, Their beliefs. Now the information in the books are not completely the same. Because of the different beliefs. But the books are used for the same reason so people who follow the religion can worship their religion. Christianity and Judaism are very close religions but yet very different. They are the same because, Both Religions believe in Jesus, Both religions have Bibles, Christians has the bible, Jews have The Torah. They are also very different because they have a lot of different beliefs.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Sexual Roles in Time of the Temptress :: Temptress Essays

Sexual Roles in Time of the Temptress      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Violet Winspear's Time of the Temptress may not be considered a literary masterpiece by many critics, but it does give a specific example of male dominant and female submissive sexual roles. Even though the novel contains no explicit or even implied sexual scenes occurring between the main characters, the actions and speech of Wade and Eve serve as a substitute for erotic passages.    Eve is labeled as an obvious submissive character as soon as she was introduced in the novel. She appears as a helpless woman in the company of nuns. Nuns might be considered some of the purest and most vulnerable creatures alive, second only to children. Her affiliation with these women imply that she is innocent and as helpless as they. Eve and the nuns are at the mercy of the brave warrior who rescued them from their mission. When Eve volunteers to walk across the jungle, even her act of courage seems weak. " 'Please'-Eve caught on impulse at the khaki-clad arm, 'if room can be found for Sister Mercy and the others , then I am sure I can trek the rest of the way' " (6). She asks, or begs, for permission to make a sacrifice, and through out the novel she never stops apologizing for it.    Before they begin their trek, Eve becomes quickly furious with the man who saved her and she declares that she is "not helpless" (12). In spite of her outburst, the rest of the novel makes her out to be anything but helpful. For example, she cannot bathe without a monkey stealing her Bond street apparel. It is impossible for her to search for them naked, and to top it all off, the fearless Wade O'Mara has to save her from toe-snapping crabs before finding her pants for her. Later on Eve acknowledges her situation. "She was glad he was so tough and self-reliant, but at the same time he was so disturbing and awoke in her a feeling of being a helpless and vulnerable female" (38). She is correct. She doesn't make their dinner, the only useful thing she does is sweep out a hut and slaughter a few of the harmless insects that lived there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Bloodlines Chapter Twenty

I ALMOST ASKED, â€Å"Are you serious?† But let's face it: that probably wasn't the kind of thing she would joke about, especially considering how grave her face looked. Other questions popped into my head, but I held back on those as well. They weren't that weird, but I didn't want to draw attention to myself by showing unusual interest in a grisly murder. Instead, I simply thanked Mrs. Dawson for her help with the letter and returned to East Campus. Mrs. Weathers was at her desk when I entered the dorm. I brought her the letter, which she read over twice before tucking it away in her filing cabinet. â€Å"All right,† she said. â€Å"Just make sure your sister signs in and out each time.† â€Å"I will, ma'am. Thank you.† I hesitated, torn over whether to go or ask the questions Mrs. Dawson's information had triggered. I decided to stay. â€Å"Mrs. Weathers†¦ ever since Jill disappeared, I just keep thinking about that girl you told me about. The one who died. I keep thinking that could've been Jill.† Mrs. Dawson's face softened. â€Å"Jill's fine. I shouldn't have told you that. I didn't mean to scare you.† â€Å"Is it true that girl's throat was slit?† â€Å"Yes.† She shook her head sadly. â€Å"Terrible. Simply terrible. I don't know who does that kind of thing.† â€Å"Did they ever find out why it happened? I mean, was there anything unusual about her?† â€Å"Unusual? No, not really. I mean, she was a lovely girl. Smart, pretty, popular. A good – no, great – athlete. Had friends, a boyfriend. But nothing that would especially make her stand out as a target. Of course, people who do awful things like that probably don't need a reason.† â€Å"True,† I murmured. I walked up to my room, wishing Mrs. Weathers had elaborated a little more on how pretty Kelly was. What I really wanted to know was if Kelly had been Moroi. If she had, I'd hoped Mrs. Weathers might comment on how tall or pale she was. By both Clarence's and the Alchemists' accounts, no Moroi on record had lived in the Palm Springs area. That didn't mean someone couldn't slip through the cracks, however. I'd have to find the answer myself. If Kelly had been Moroi, then we had three young Moroi women killed in the same way in southern California within a relatively short time span. Clarence might argue for his vampire hunter theory, but to me, this pattern screamed Strigoi. Jill was in our room, serving out her house arrest. The more time passed, the less angry I felt toward her. Having the feeding issue fixed helped. I would've been a lot more upset if we'd been unable to get her off campus. â€Å"What's wrong?† she asked me, looking up from her laptop. â€Å"Why do you think anything's wrong?† She smiled. â€Å"You've got that look. It's this tiny frown you get between your eyebrows when you're trying to figure something out.† I shook my head. â€Å"It's nothing.† â€Å"You know,† she said, â€Å"maybe all these responsibilities you have wouldn't be as bad if you talked them out and got help from other people.† â€Å"It's not quite like that. It's just something I'm trying to puzzle out.† â€Å"Tell me,† she entreated. â€Å"You can trust me.† It wasn't a matter of trust. It was a matter of unnecessarily worrying Jill. Mrs. Weathers had feared she would scare me, but if someone was killing Moroi girls, I wasn't in danger. Looking at Jill and her unwavering gaze, I decided if she could handle living with the knowledge that her own people were trying to kill her, she could handle this. I gave her a brief summary of what I knew. â€Å"You don't know if Kelly was Moroi, though,† she said, once I'd finished. â€Å"No. That's the crucial piece here.† I sat cross-legged on my bed with my own laptop. â€Å"I'm going to check our records and local newspapers to see if I can find a picture of her. All I learned from Mrs. Weathers is that Kelly was a star athlete.† â€Å"Which may mean she's not Moroi,† said Jill. â€Å"I mean, look at how terrible I perform in this sun. What happens if she's not? You've got a lot of theories hinging on her being Moroi. But what if she was human? What then? Can we ignore it? It could still be the same person†¦ but what would it mean if the murderer had killed two Moroi and one human?† Jill had a point. â€Å"I don't know,† I said. My search didn't take long. The Alchemists had no record of the murder, but then, they wouldn't if Kelly had been human. Lots of newspapers had stories about her, but I couldn't find any pictures. â€Å"What about a yearbook?† asked Jill. â€Å"Someone must keep them around.† â€Å"That's actually pretty brilliant,† I said. â€Å"See? I told you I'm useful.† I smiled at her and then remembered something. â€Å"Oh, I've got good news for you. Maybe.† I briefly recapped Kristin and Julia's â€Å"plan† about Jill joining the sewing club. Jill brightened but was still cautious. â€Å"You really think that would work?† â€Å"Only one way to find out.† â€Å"I've never touched a sewing machine in my life,† she said. â€Å"I guess this is your chance to learn,† I told her. â€Å"Or maybe the other girls will be happy to just keep you around as their in-class model.† Jill smirked. â€Å"How do you know only girls sign up for that?† â€Å"I don't,† I admitted. â€Å"Just playing off gender stereotypes, I guess.† My cell phone rang, and Ms. Terwilliger's number flashed on the display. I answered, bracing for a coffee run. â€Å"Miss Melbourne?† she said. â€Å"If you and your brother can be at Carlton within an hour, you can speak to someone in the registrar's office before they close. Can you manage that?† I looked at the time and took it on faith Adrian wasn't doing anything important. â€Å"Um, yes. Yes, of course, ma'am. Thank you. Thank you very much.† â€Å"The man you'll want to talk to is named Wes Regan.† She paused. â€Å"And could you bring me a cappuccino on your way back?† I assured her I could and then called Adrian with instructions to be ready for me. Quickly, I changed out of my uniform and into a blouse and twill skirt. Glancing at my reflection, I realized he was right. There really wasn't a lot of difference between Amberwood attire and my normal wardrobe. â€Å"I wish I could go,† said Jill wistfully. â€Å"I'd like to see Adrian again.† â€Å"Don't you kind of see him every day in a way?† â€Å"True,† she said. â€Å"Although I can't always get into his head when I want to yet. It just happens randomly. And anyway, it's not the same. He can't talk back to me through the bond.† I nearly replied that it sounded better than being around him in person but figured that wouldn't be helpful. Adrian was ready to go when I reached Clarence's, excited and eager for action. â€Å"You just missed your friend,† he said as he got into Latte. â€Å"Who?† â€Å"Keith.† I made a face. â€Å"He's not really my friend.† â€Å"Oh, you think? Most of us figured that out on day one, Sage.† I felt a little bad about that. Some part of me knew that I shouldn't let my personal feelings for Keith mix with business. We were co-workers of sorts and should've been presenting a united, professional front. At the same time, I was kind of glad these people – even if they were vampires and dhampirs – didn't think I was friendly with Keith. I didn't want them thinking he and I had much in common. I certainly didn't want to have a lot in common with him. The full meaning of Adrian's words suddenly hit me. â€Å"Wait. He was just here?† â€Å"A half hour ago.† He must have come straight from the school. I was lucky to have missed him. Something told me he wouldn't approve of me furthering Adrian's education. â€Å"What was he here for?† â€Å"Dunno. I think he was checking on Clarence. The old guy hasn't been feeling well.† Adrian pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket. â€Å"Do you mind?† â€Å"Yes,† I replied. â€Å"What's wrong with Clarence?† â€Å"I don't know, but he's been resting a lot, which makes things even more boring. I mean, he wasn't the greatest conversationalist, but some of his crazy stories were interesting.† Adrian turned wistful. â€Å"Especially with scotch.† â€Å"Keep me updated on how he's doing,† I murmured. I wondered if perhaps that was why Keith had been in such a hurry earlier. If Clarence was seriously ill, we were going to have to make arrangements with a Moroi doctor. That would complicate our setup here in Palm Springs because we'd either have to move Clarence or bring in someone. If Keith was working on it, then I shouldn't have concerned myself†¦ but I just didn't trust him to do a good job with anything. â€Å"I don't know how you put up with him,† said Adrian. â€Å"I used to think you were weak and just didn't fight back†¦ but now, honestly, I think you're actually pretty tough. It takes a hell of a lot of strength to not complain and lash out. I don't have that self-control.† â€Å"You've got more than you think,† I said, a little flustered by the compliment. I was down on myself so much for what I saw as not pushing back sometimes that it had never occurred to me that took its own strength. I was even more surprised that it would take Adrian to point this out to me. â€Å"I'm always walking a line. My dad – and the Alchemists – are really big on obedience and following the directions of your superiors. I'm kind of in a double bind because I'm on shaky ground with them, so it's extra important for me to not make a fuss.† â€Å"Because of Rose?† His tone was carefully controlled. I nodded. â€Å"Yup. What I did was tantamount to treason in their eyes.† â€Å"I don't know what ‘tantamount' means, but it sounds pretty serious.† I could see him studying me out of the corner of his eye. â€Å"Was it worth it?† â€Å"So far.† It was easy to say that since Zoe had no tattoo yet and I hadn't seen a re-education center. If those things changed, so might my answers. â€Å"It was the right thing to do. I guess that justified dramatic action.† â€Å"I broke a lot of rules to help Rose too,† he said, a troubled tone in his voice. â€Å"I did it out of love. Misguided love, but love nonetheless. I don't know if that's as noble as your reasons, particularly since she was in love with someone else. Most of my ‘dramatic actions' haven't been for any cause. Most of them have been to annoy my parents.† I actually found myself a little jealous of that. I couldn't fathom purposely trying to get a reaction from my dad – though I'd certainly wanted to. â€Å"I think love's a noble reason,† I told him. I was speaking objectively, of course. I'd never been in love and had no point of reference to really judge. Based on what I'd observed in others, I assumed it was an amazing thing†¦ but for now, I was too busy with my job to notice its absence. I wondered if I should be disappointed by that. â€Å"And I think you have plenty of time to do other noble things.† He chuckled. â€Å"Never thought my biggest cheerleader would be someone who thought I was evil and unnatural.† That made two of us. Hesitantly, I managed to ask a question that had been burning inside me. â€Å"Do you still love her? Rose?† Along with not knowing what it felt like to be in love, I also didn't know how long it took to recover from love. Adrian's smile faded. His gaze turned inward. â€Å"Yes. No. It's hard to get over someone like that. She had a huge effect on me, both good and bad. That's hard to move past. I try not to think about her much in terms of love and hate. Mostly I'm trying to get on with my life. With mixed results, unfortunately.† We soon reached the college. Wes Regan was a big man with a salt-and-pepper beard who worked in Carlton's registration office. Ms. Terwilliger had tutored Wes's niece for free one summer, and Wes felt he owed her a favor. â€Å"Here's the deal,† he said once we were seated across from him. Adrian was wearing khaki pants and a sage-colored button-down shirt that would've been great for job interviews. A little too late. â€Å"I can't just enroll you. College applications are long and require transcripts, and there's no way you can swing one in two days. What I can do is get you in as an auditor.† â€Å"Like with the IRS?† asked Adrian. â€Å"No. Auditing means you're attending the class and doing the work but not getting a grade for it.† Adrian opened his mouth to speak, and I could only imagine what comment he had about doing work for no credit. I quickly interrupted him. â€Å"And then what?† â€Å"Then, if you can throw together an application in, oh, a week or two – and are accepted – I can retroactively change you to student status.† â€Å"What about financial aid?† asked Adrian, leaning forward. â€Å"Can I get some money for this?† â€Å"If you qualify,† said Wes. â€Å"But you can't really file for it until you've been accepted.† Adrian slumped back, and I was able to guess his thoughts. If getting enrolled would take a couple of weeks, there'd undoubtedly be a delay with the financial aid filing too. Adrian was looking at a month or more of living with Clarence, and that was probably optimistic. I half-expected Adrian to get up and nix everything. Instead, a resolute expression crossed his face. He nodded. â€Å"Okay. Let's get started with this auditing thing.† I was impressed. I was also jealous when Wes brought out the course catalog. I'd been able to lull myself into contentment with Amberwood's classes, but looking at real college offerings showed me the two schools were worlds away. The history classes were more focused and in depth than anything I could have imagined. Adrian had no interest in those, however. He immediately honed in on the art department. He ended up signing up for two introductory courses in oil painting and in watercolors. They met three times a week and were conveniently back-toback. â€Å"That'll make it easier if I'm busing in,† he explained as we were leaving. I gave him a startled look. â€Å"You're taking the bus?† He seemed amused by my astonishment. â€Å"What else? Classes are in the daytime. You can't take me.† I thought about Clarence's remote house. â€Å"Where on earth would you catch the bus?† â€Å"There's a stop about a half mile away. It transfers to another bus that goes to Carlton. The whole trip takes about an hour.† I confess, it left me speechless. I was amazed that Adrian had researched that much, let alone was willing to go to all that trouble. Yet on the ride back, he never uttered one word of complaint about how inconvenient it would be or how long he'd have to wait to move out of Clarence's. When I arrived back at Amberwood, I was excited to tell Jill the news about Adrian's collegiate success – not that she needed me to tell her. With the bond, she would probably know more than I did. Still, she always worried about him and would undoubtedly be pleased to see something go well for him. Jill wasn't in our room when I returned, but a note informed me she was studying elsewhere in the dorm. The only bright part of her punishment was that it limited where she could be at any time. I decided to use this opportunity to go make Ms. Terwilliger's crazy amulet. I'd accrued most of the necessary ingredients, and along with compliance from the biology teacher, Ms. Terwilliger had secured me access to one of the chemistry labs. No one was there this time of night, and it gave me plenty of space and quiet to mix up the concoction. As we'd noted, the instructions were extremely detailed and – in my opinion – superfluous. It wasn't enough to just measure out the nettle leaves. The instructions called for them â€Å"to rest for an hour,† during which time I was supposed to say to them, â€Å"into thee, flame I imbue† every ten minutes. I also had to boil the agate stone â€Å"to infuse it with heat.† The rest of the instructions were similar, and I knew there was no way Ms. Terwilliger would actually know if I followed everything to the letter – particularly the chants. Still, the whole purpose of this stunt was to report on what it was like to be an ancient practitioner. So, I followed everything dutifully and concentrated so hard on performing every step perfectly that I soon fell into a lull where nothing existed except the spell. I finished over two hours later and was surprised at how exhausted I felt. The final result certainly didn't seem to justify all the energy I'd expended. I was left with a leather cord from which hung a silk pouch filled with leaves and rocks. I carted it and my notes back to my dorm room, intending to write up my report for Ms. Terwilliger so that I could put this assignment behind me. When I reached my room, I gasped when I saw the door. Someone had taken red paint and drawn bats and fanged faces all over it. Scrawled across the front, in big blocky letters, were the words VAMP GIRL Full of panic, I burst into the room. Jill was there – along with Mrs. Weathers and another teacher I didn't know. They were going through all of our things. I stared in disbelief. â€Å"What's going on?† I asked. Jill shook her head, face mortified, and couldn't answer. I'd apparently arrived at the end of the search because Mrs. Weathers and her associate soon finished up and walked to the door. I was glad I'd taken my Alchemist supplies with me to the lab tonight. The kit contained a few measuring tools I had thought I might need. I certainly didn't want to explain why I owned a collection of chemicals to dorm authorities. â€Å"Well,† said Mrs. Weathers sternly. â€Å"There doesn't appear to be anything here, but I may do another spot check later – so don't get any ideas. You're already in enough trouble without adding yet another charge to it.† She sighed and shook her head at Jill. â€Å"I'm very disappointed in you, Miss Melrose.† Jill blanched. â€Å"I'm telling you, it's all a mistake!† â€Å"Let's hope so,† said Mrs. Weathers ominously. â€Å"Let's hope so. I've half a mind to make you clean up that vandalism outside, but in light of no hard proof†¦ well, we'll have the janitors take care of it tomorrow.† Once our visitors were gone, I immediately demanded, â€Å"What happened?† Jill collapsed backward onto her bed and groaned. â€Å"Laurel happened.† I sat down. â€Å"Explain.† â€Å"Well, I called the library to see if they had those yearbooks in – the ones about Kelly Hayes? Turns out they do normally have them, but they've all been checked out by the newspaper staff for some Amberwood anniversary edition. And you'll never believe who's heading that project: Laurel.† â€Å"You're right,† I said. â€Å"I never would have guessed that. Isn't she in Freshman English?† Laurel was a senior. â€Å"Yup.† â€Å"I guess everyone needs an activity,† I muttered. Jill nodded. â€Å"Anyway, Miss Yamani was in the building, so I went to ask her about joining the sewing club and working for Lia. She was really excited and said she'd make it happen.† â€Å"Well, that's something,† I said cautiously, still unsure how this was leading up to vandalism and a search of our room. â€Å"As I was coming back, I passed Laurel in the hall. I decided to take a chance†¦ I approached her and said look, I know we've had our differences but I could really use some help. Then I explained that I needed the yearbooks and asked if I could borrow them just for the night and that I'd get them back to her right away.† To this, I said nothing. It was certainly a noble and brave thing for Jill to do, particularly after I'd encouraged her to be better than Laurel. Unfortunately, I didn't think Laurel would reciprocate the adult behavior. I was right. â€Å"She told me in†¦ well, very explicit terms that I'd never get those yearbooks.† Jill scowled. â€Å"She told me a few other things too. Then I, um, called her a raving bitch. I probably shouldn't have, but, well, she deserved it! Anyway, she went to Mrs. Weathers with a bottle of†¦ I don't know. I think it was raspberry schnapps. She claimed I sold it to her and had more in my room. Mrs. Weathers couldn't punish me without harder evidence, but after Ms. Chang's hangover accusation on the first day, Mrs. Weathers decided that was enough for a room search.† I shook my head in disbelief, anger growing within my chest. â€Å"For such an elite, prestigious place, this school sure is quick to jump on any accusations that come up! I mean, they believe anything anyone says about you. And where did the paint outside come from?† Tears of frustration glinted in her eyes. â€Å"Oh, Laurel, of course. Or, well, one of her friends. It happened while Laurel was talking to Mrs. Weathers, so of course she's got an alibi. You don't think†¦ you don't think anyone's on to anything, do you? You said before it's just a mean joke†¦ and humans don't even believe in us†¦ right?† â€Å"Right,† I said automatically. But I was beginning to wonder. Ever since that phone call with my father, when he'd mentioned that there were humans who suspected and wouldn't be silenced, I'd wondered if I'd been too quick to dismiss Laurel's teasing. Had she simply found a cruel joke to run with? Or was she one of those humans who suspected about the vampire world and might make a lot of noise about it? I doubted anyone would believe her, but we couldn't risk attracting attention from someone who would. Is it possible she really thinks Jill is a vampire? Jill's forlorn expression turned angry. â€Å"Maybe I should do something about Laurel. There are other ways to get back at her besides freezing water.† â€Å"No,† I said quickly. â€Å"Don't lower yourself to that. Revenge is petty, and you're better than that.† Plus, I thought, any more supernatural activity, and Laurel might realize her taunts have more backing than she originally thought. Jill gave me a sad smile. â€Å"You keep saying that. But don't you think something needs to be done about Laurel?† Oh yes. I definitely did. This had gone too far, and I'd been wrong to let it slide. Jill was right that there were other ways to get back at someone. And I was right that revenge was petty and nothing that Jill should sully herself with. That was why I was going to do it. â€Å"I'll take care of it,† I told her. â€Å"I – I'll have the Alchemists issue a complaint from our parents.† She looked dubious. â€Å"You think that'll fix things?† â€Å"Positive,† I said. Because that complaint was going to pack an extra punch. A glance at the time told me it was too late to go back to the lab. No problem. I simply set my alarm extra early, with the intent to get up and head back there before classes started. I had one more experiment in my future, and Laurel was going to be my guinea pig.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dry Shampoo

How do marketers assess the need of a product to market it†¦ In today’s competitive, global environment, new products and innovation are critical to a company’s growth and sustainability. Many companies today focus only on cost reduction. Generating revenue via new, differentiated products should also be part of the corporate strategy. Product development must be done within a strategic context that takes into account emerging market trends, environmental and regulatory rulings and trends, customer and employee needs and wants, and financial considerations.The development and launching of new products is perceived as a risk due to uncertainties of success after significant investments. In addition, the product development process is not well understood by most firms. Finding, developing, and exploiting new product growth can help corporations to maximize latent value in their new innovative products and growing markets, while diversifying risk. It also allows busin esses to focus on evolving macro and micro markets and to enhance customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. Begin market planning by clearly identifying the market you want to target.This may or may not be the market you are working with now. The idea is to think creatively about your product to determine what set of customers are going to give your business the cash flow, profit and growth it needs. Suppose I am going to start a business of â€Å"DRY SHAMPOO† as it is quite a new product for Bangladesh perspectives†¦ The so-called â€Å"French shower,† that curious Napoleonic custom of applying perfume or deodorant over unwashed flesh, went out of style with pantaloons, and certainly never spread to these more hygienic shores.Right? Hello, dry shampoo. Touted as a water and timesaving way to stay quote-unquote gorgeous on the go, these wildly popular shampoo substitutes allow the busiest exec to head straight from the bedroom to the boardroom without a pes ky shower in between. Just apply a cumulus of powder to the scalp, wait two minutes before brushing it out, and Fabulist achieved. Dry shampoo is a powdered substance used to clean the hair when you want to extend the length of a blowout or when it is not practical to use water and traditional shampoo.The market for dry shampoos, which are sold in both spray-on and powdered formulas, has exploded over the past few years. Name a high-end hair-care brand—Frederic Fekkai, Bumble and bumble, Oscar Blandi, Rene Futerer—and the chances are good that a revolutionary new dry-shampoo product is one of the top-selling items in the company's inventory. Their average price overs around $20 for about 3 ounces—not exactly a bargain. So, how well do they work? Old-fashioned wet shampoo cleans hair of all of the assorted gunk and free radicals that accumulate over the course of a day, as well as its natural oils, which are known as sebum.Dry shampoo, which usually has a base of talc, cornstarch, potato, or rice, soaks up rather than washes away sebum and dirt. When you brush out the powder, you're also (allegedly) brushing out the grime, too. Because the soak-up/brush-out method doesn't rid the hair of as much sebum, you can safely use dry shampoos once or several times between regular shampooing. But alert: Because dry shampoos are essentially spray-on powders, they can, even after vigorous brushing, lighten the crown of your head, which can be good or bad, depending on your desired hair color.Why Use Dry Shampoo? Fab Hair, Fewer Washes Over washing your hair can dry it out and cause hair color to fade. To preserve your color and maintain moisturized, sleek hair, it is best to wash your hair only 2-3 times per week. Additionally, if you’re strapped for time and you need to freshen up your locks (after the gym, before a night out, etc. ), dry shampoo serves as a fantastic option. Modern, busy women swear by dry shampoos! So the question is.. Who wi ll buy my product? Why will they buy my product? What will they pay for my product?Where do they expect to find this product? When spoke to a half-dozen dry shampoo devotees about their reliance on these potions. One â€Å"natural† said dry shampoo helps her disguise suspicious roots on the brink of her next highlight appointment, since the powder tends to lighten the hair. Another turns to it when she can't submit to the 45-minute blow-dry required to tame her frizzy curls. Then the third one who use it after midday workouts and the partygoers who want to refresh their appearance in the office bathroom.The marketer may recruit 2 or three testers for analyzing the range of hair types who are chemically enhanced one with thick hair and a schedule that only allows her to hit the gym during lunch. The second has thin hair that looks flat and oily by the end of the workday; she'd prefer to take a second shower before any nighttime assignations. The third one has thick, wavy, jet- black hair that requires herculean efforts to manage. All three work full-time and shampoo daily. generally obedient hair that never, ever wash on a daily basis, having been taught early on that too-frequent washing strips and damages hair over the long run.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Reflection and Inspiration †Creative Writing

Reflection and Inspiration – Creative Writing Free Online Research Papers Reflection and Inspiration Creative Writing An unexamined life is not worth living.- Socrates. Consciously or unconsciously, I have followed this belief throughout my life because I derive the meaning to be essential to mature and to fully experience life. I believe maturity and growth are directly related to reflecting on and learning from past experiences. Life is like a game of chess; if you do not look back and see why you lost the game you will never develop into a better chess player from that loss. To grow as a person, I have to be honest with myself and to examine where I come from, where I am now, and where I want to go. It is also important to know my capabilities, my limitations, and have the wisdom to accept them. I like to understand my mistakes, have the courage to learn from them and then to continue forward. As I have grown through high school, I have realized that I have experienced a period of complacency. Looking back and reflecting on what I could have done, I realize that complacency in this stage of my life did not serve me well. I consider myself a rolling stone; someone who is always in process of change and growth and has yet to find a place settle, if settling is even possible along the way. As a master chess player having played nearly a thousand games in my lifetime, I keep thinking, considering, and analyzing. I do not become passive and, even when I do not win, I am urged to use the lesson to my next level of play. My desire to attend college is the flame that lights the way to down the tunnel and into the landscape of new adventures. I want to know more about myself and take risks when circumstances allow for this. When a situation presents itself, I become very analytical and thoughtful to find the necessary grain of possibility to further develop my personality. It is very much like the somewhat instinctive chess moves I make when I encounter a series of plays I have witnessed in the past. I sense a possibility out there which generates an ambitious force within me that sets my mind to focus on something I want and pushes me towards to attaining my goal. Thinking back at my last games of chess, I review each move that led to checkmate to smaller steps with my pawn along the way. Each is significant toward the end goal. Reflecting back through my life, I realize that each one made me who I am today. My quest to understand and grow from my experiences has made me who I am today. Philosophical inquiry and academic passion are the source of my drive and inspiration. Research Papers on Reflection and Inspiration - Creative WritingThe Hockey GameComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoStandardized TestingBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andCapital PunishmentThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThree Concepts of PsychodynamicOpen Architechture a white paper

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid

10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid 10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid 10 Grammar Mistakes You Should Avoid By Maeve Maddox If you want to write clear, correct English, you certainly need to pay attention to the grammar rules. To help you with that, we collaborated with the folks from Grammarly and Write To Done to create a list with 30 common grammar mistakes you should avoid. Enjoy! Mistake 1: Using whom as a subject INCORRECT: Fire personnel radioed deputies to stop the driver, whom, according to reports, appeared to have been under the influence of intoxicants. CORRECT : Fire personnel radioed deputies to stop the driver, who, according to reports, appeared to have been under the influence of intoxicants. In this sentence, the pronoun is the subject of the verb appeared and therefore requires the subject form who. The object form of who is whom, which functions as the object of a verb or as the object of a preposition: That is the man whom I saw at the window. (object of the verb saw) Did he say to whom he sent the letter? (object of the preposition to) The misuse of whom as a subject frequently occurs when a phrase intervenes between the pronoun and its subject. Be especially careful with such expressions as â€Å"according to so-and-so,† â€Å"in my opinion,† â€Å"one suspects,† etc. Less frequently, but more embarrassingly, whom is sometimes substituted for who when little or nothing stands between it and its verb, as in this sentence taken from a news account: â€Å"An off-duty fireman whom lives in the area provided immediate assistance.† Mistake 2: Unnecessary would in a wish about the past INCORRECT: Ten Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Was Twenty CORRECT : Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When I Was Twenty The opportunity for knowing the ten things existed in the past, but exists no longer. The tense required, therefore, is the past perfect (had + past participle). Mistake 3: Dangling modifier INCORRECT: At the age of four, Sam’s family moved from Florida, Missouri, to Hannibal. CORRECT : At the age of four, Sam moved with his family from Florida, Missouri, to Hannibal. Modifiers should be positioned as closely as possible to the element they modify. The modifying phrase â€Å"At the age of four† modifies â€Å"Sam,† not â€Å"Sam’s family.† Mistake 4: Subject-Verb disagreement with delayed subject INCORRECT: There goes Sally and Greg on their way to the movies. CORRECT : There go Sally and Greg on their way to the movies. Subjects and verbs must agree in number. When a sentence begins with here or there, the true subject of the sentence follows the verb. â€Å"Sally and Greg† is a plural subject, so the verb go must also be plural: â€Å"Sally and Greg go.† Mistake 5: Incorrect use of object pronouns INCORRECT: Me and my brothers all have college degrees in business. CORRECT : My brothers and I all have college degrees in business. Several English pronouns retain different forms that indicate their function in a sentence. Me is an object form. In the example, it is incorrectly used as the subject of the verb have. Other object forms often used incorrectly are him, her, us, them, and whom. Mistake 6: Incorrect use of subject pronouns INCORRECT: The owner was most kind to my wife and I as we toured the grounds. CORRECT : The owner was most kind to my wife and me as we toured the grounds. I is a subject pronoun form. It is correctly used as the subject of a verb. Its object form is me, which is used as the object of a verb or, as in this example, the object of a preposition (to). Not all English pronouns retain an object form. The pronouns that do have subject and object forms are he/him, she/her, we/us, they/them, and who/whom. Mistake 7: Inappropriate use of reflexive pronoun forms INCORRECT: Jack and myself built the company from scratch. CORRECT : Jack and I built the company from scratch. A pronoun that ends in -self or -selves is called a reflexive pronoun. This type of pronoun refers to a noun or personal pronoun that occurs elsewhere in the sentence. For example, â€Å"He cut himself shaving.† In this example, himself refers to the same person as the one meant by He. A typical error is to use a reflexive pronoun in place of a personal pronoun: INCORRECT: Thank you for everything you did for myself and my family. CORRECT : Thank you for everything you did for me and my family. Note: A more polite usage is to put me last in the phrase: Thank you for everything you did for my family and me. Mistake 8: Incorrect use of did instead of had in certain â€Å"if clauses† One use of the conjunction if is to introduce a clause that states an action that would have changed an outcome. For example, â€Å"If I hadn’t missed the train, I would be in London now.† A common error is to use did instead of had, as in this headline: INCORRECT: [Celebrity] thinks he would be dead now if he didn’t give up alcohol and drugs CORRECT : [Celebrity] thinks he would be dead now if he hadn’t given up alcohol and drugs The person mentioned in the headline actually said (correctly), â€Å"I honestly don’t think I’d be alive if I hadn’t stopped drinking.† The tense required is the past perfect (had + past participle). Mistake 9: Incorrect irregular verb forms Most English verbs form the past and past participle by adding -ed to the base form. For example: walk, walked, (has) walked believe, believed, (has) believed jump, jumped, (has) jumped However, a few high-frequency verbs have irregular past forms, for example: run, ran, (has) run go, went, (has) gone come, came, (has) come Errors with irregular verb forms are becoming common in the media and in articles written by university graduates. Such errors are perhaps evidence that elementary school teachers no longer drill their students on the irregular verb forms. Here are typical errors: INCORRECT: Mary loves to read, has ran for office and has an articulate way of telling it like it is.- Biographical note, KZNU. CORRECT : Mary loves to read, has run for office and has an articulate way of telling it like it is. INCORRECT: Deluna-Martinez is alleged to have went into one student’s account and dropped that student’s classes.- News item, KRCR CORRECT : Deluna-Martinez is alleged to have gone into one student’s account and dropped that student’s classes. INCORRECT: Deep Impact could have just so happened to hit one of these cometesimals, while the gas seen before impact might have came from a different region on the comet with different chemistry.- Scientific article, NASA site. CORRECT : Deep Impact could have just so happened to hit one of these cometesimals, while the gas seen before impact might have come from a different region on the comet with different chemistry. Note: A cometesimal is a â€Å"mini-comet.† Mistake 10: Omitting that when it is needed after say When there is no intervening conjunction, that may be omitted after the verb say: The witness said she overheard the defendant threaten to burn the man’s house down. However, if a conjunction such as after, although, because, before, in addition to, until, or while intervenes between the verb say and its object, that is needed to avoid ambiguity: INCORRECT: Santana said after he stopped recording, he watched for a few more minutes but never saw anyone perform CPR. CORRECT : Santana said that after he stopped recording, he watched for a few more minutes but never saw anyone perform CPR. Now visit Write To Done for 10 more grammar mistakes to avoid, and the Grammarly Blog for yet 10 more! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Capitalize Animal and Plant NamesThe Many Forms of the Verb TO BE35 Synonyms for Rain and Snow

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Multiculturalism and diversity management Essay

Multiculturalism and diversity management - Essay Example This also touches on the issues concerning the company’s expansion in Japan and Germany including economic and political concerns and the methods that can be utilized for the success of the expansion. Multiculturalism and Diversity In this era of globalization, diversity has been a hot topic to everyone, especially to industries that participate in the global market. As we all know, almost everything today is made in the world’s largest workforce – China. This reality has been an effect of globalization, making the globe as a giant melting pot. (Gamble, 2002, p 19) Corporations that venture into global expansion face cultural issues with the hosting countries. Since cultural difference is a major issue on this endeavour, managing multiculturalism and diversity plays an important part on global expansion. This enables the expanding corporations to understand the cultural difference of the hosting country from their own culture which allows them to view the strengt hs and the downsides of the endeavour that prepares them to manage the possible issues successfully. (Gamble, 2007, p 43) Importance of Multiculturalism and Diversity Management on Global Expansion Multiculturalism and diversity management is an integral part of global expansion. Multiculturalism and Diversity Management 3 This gives the managers and staff of a company to be able to interact to their hosting countries accordingly, without taking the hosting countries’ culture for granted. This provides a more fertile ground for growth of new ideas instead of a culture that is comfortable only with ‘likeness’. As globalization becomes a hot topic in the business world, companies realize that knowing the cultures of countries that host their offshore sites is and essential part of global expansion to avoid embarrassment, legal offenses that can lead to loss of business and some other important factors to become successful in their endeavour. As a company, the trans fer of their technology, practices and beliefs to their hosting country is not enough in order to succeed in the global expansion. Cultural differences surely come into play that could create friction in the workplace. Economic Concerns Technology is one of the so many economic concerns multinational companies face during global expansion. Some businesses choose to expand internationally to take advantage of the lower cost of labour in developing countries; they need to plan for intermediate and appropriate technology. They should match a country’s resources or may choose to invest in a country that is at par with the current technology being used. (Gamble, 2007, p 76) Financial management is another economic concern MNC has during global expansion. This concern is a little challenging as countries change in value due to currency exchange rates. Managers of MNC should have a deep understanding in currency values, financial tools like derivatives, hedges, payment timing, price adjustments and balance sheet neutralizing. (Gamble, 2007, p 78) Multiculturalism and Diversity Management 4 Political Concerns Total quality respect is an integral part of a company expanding globally. Since culture varies from one country to another, respect to one’s beliefs is an essential aspect in order to manage an MNC. Political concerns like religious beliefs and humanity are two of the most common concerns MNC overlook in their international expansion. Managers of MNC should be open to different ideas and beliefs to avoid political

Friday, November 1, 2019

Challenges in Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Challenges in Writing - Essay Example For example, after writing about the ‘moment of truth’ in my protagonist’s life (in a short story I wrote), I pondered for a long time for an alternative word but had to be satisfied with ‘the yes moment’ and then still unhappily replaced it with ‘the cool moment’. Similarly I had to spend a sleepless night being unable to break free from the ‘having said that’ and ‘at the end of the day’ syndromes in my writing. To disentangle one’s thought process from the mundane discourses of one’s own mind is another great challenge, as far as I am concerned. This demands great amount of concentration and clarity. This approach to writing is rooted in attaining a crystal clear consciousness when one starts writing, which can surely be cultivated. It is an unconditional opening up of one’s senses to the surroundings so that you can hear a cuckoo’s song heard from far away (which otherwise you may n ot even notice), you can hear the feeble murmurings of wind, and also you can feel forgotten experiences and memories from distant recesses of the past. In such a moment of deep contemplation, I always had the experience of new words, new sensations and new ideas pouring in.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wedding Photography Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wedding Photography Survey - Essay Example actice of wedding photography has developed and grown ever since the development of the pictorial art form by Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce, in 1826 (Baatz 27). An early photograph, in fact, recorded a decade after this was the 1840 wedding ceremony of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. The market for this endeavour is individuals who look forward to getting married. The venture strictly takes place during the period of the wedding, but not necessarily on the wedding day. The wedding photographers advertise themselves through various mediums such as television or mostly magazines (Baatz 45). A majority of photographers prefer to be paid prior to the service, but all expenses can be refunded if the client is not pleased with the work. Some of the equipments needed are lenses, wide-angle zoom, wide-to-telephoto zoom, image-stabilized telephoto zoom, camera body, flashes and accessories, light modifiers and a bag to hold it all among other items. A recent trend in the wedding photography field is the vintage effect. Photographers are now able to give pictures a vintage effect making the pictures appear as if they were from a different time period (the past) other than now (Baatz 98). Locations include the main wedding venue, parks (places with a lot of tress), as well as water sites. This depends with the preference of the couple. A survey carried out by the Photo District News (PDN), in 2009, confirmed that less bookings with a 6.5% plunge in wedding photography were experienced with a few less hours per week on the venture in 2009 than in 2008 (PDN 1). Wedding photographers who provide a la carte services have increased their costs by 1 ½%. The photographers who provide packages have increased their prices by 3%. The most fascinating part of it is that half of the photographers added a much higher priced package in 2009, by 40+%, and they seem to be photographers who want their incomes to increase every year. Half of the photographers added lower-priced packages that

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Types Of E Commerce

The Types Of E Commerce Emergence of internet over the past few years has changed the trends of business world at exponential rate. Now world has become a Global Village which means what used to be a single physical market place located in one geographical area has now become a border-less marketplace, attracting customers and businesses from all over the world. It provides businesses with many advantages for instance setting up an online business is less costly since it doesnt require physical infrastructure for a shop, a business can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, these long working hours helps businesses generating more profits. It also offers businesses to try new product lines and marketing strategies in cost effective way. The biggest advantage of online business is that even small businesses can compete with international corporations since consumers cannot figure out the actual size of firm. E-commerce can be defined in different ways: E-commerce refers to various online commercial activities focusing on commodity exchanges by electronic means, internet in particular. Zheng Qin (2009) , Introduction to e commerce, Page 7 E-COMMERCE refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange, electronic mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic funds transfer, world wide web, and other network-based technologies. E-COMMERCE, The Cutting Edge of Business , Second Edition (2005) by Kamlesh K Bajaj and Debjani Nag E-COMMERCE is the use of telecommunications and computers to facilitate the trade of goods and services E-commerce by S. Pankaj (2005) page 3 Types of E-commerce There are Four Main Types Of E-commerce Model: 1) Business to Business (B2B) B2B can be define as commerce transactions between businesses, such as transactions between a wholesaler and retailer. 2) Business to Consumer (B2C) As discussed in class lecture, B2C refers to a commerce transaction between business and individual rather then a company or Businesses selling to the general public for example Dell computer which sells directly to general public through website. 3) Consumer to Business( C2B) C2B is a reverse form of business to consumer, in C2B the commerce transaction take place between consumer and business, for instance, which allow individuals to place their requirements on a website within hours companies review the project and make bids on a project then consumer review the bids and select the company with most suitable bid. 4) Consumer to Consumer (C2C) C2C is simply a commerce transaction between consumer to consumer, manay auctions webistes allow consumers to interact with other consumers to buy and sell all sort of items for example, Above mentioned types of E-commerce clearly shows that electronic commerce is becoming the back bone of transactions at every level for both businesses and consumers. The impact of this emerging trend has changed the fundamentals of supply chain management by redefining the way in which consumers select, purchase and use products and services. E-commerce has also provided companies with opportunity to work more closer to customers what we call consumers intimacy which allow companies to shape their innovation process with changing demand of consumers. Classifications of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce: As described by Deborah Morley Charles S. Parker(2010) With the business to consumer model, businesses sell goods or services to individual consumers. The B2C model was one of the first major types of e-commerce business models to be defined and implemented using the Web. Some example of B2C businesses include,,, and There are two main types of B2C E-Commerce: 1) Direct Sellers Direct Sellers are those companies which provide products or services directly to consumers. The important factors that contribute towards the success of B2C e-commerce are Direct Selling experience and consumers database. There is a limit to amount of information that can be communicated through catalogs but internet offers a powerful medium by which direct sellers can provide consumers with thousands of products with detailed description and high-quality visuals. Example: Dell Computers 2) Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries are companies that facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and receive a percentage of the transactions value. For examples Internet Service Providers( ISP). Supply Chain Management An electronic alternative to the traditional paper chain, providing companies with a smarter, faster, more efficient way to get the right product to the right customer at the right time and price. Combines the power of the Internet with the latest technology, enabling participating suppliers to access up-to-date company information and enabling companies to better manage and track supply and demand IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON AIRLINE INDUSTRY: The blessings of Internet have been observed the most by Airline Industry and as a result of it Airline ticket sales now comprise of the largest portion of all product sales made online. This is because e-ticketing is beneficial for both the airlines as well as the travelers. Traditionally the only options available to a passenger were either to buy tickets from a travel agency or from airport. But now with the advent of Internet, airlines have used tool like e-distribution system. An airlines costs can be divided into following two parts: Direct Operating Costs- which includes aircraft, its fuel and salaries of the staff Indirect Operating Costs- which is the distribution cost. The direct operating cost will remain more or less fixed while there is room for saving on indirect cost. This is where e-commerce can play an important role by integrating all business units and efficiently managing logistics. The major components of indirect cost for airline industry includes Sales office, Reservation system ,Travel agent fees,Ticketing fees Promotion and advertisements. Previously, airlines payed commissions to travel agents for selling their tickets, in addition money was also spent on setting up of sales office and staff salaries. Extra capital was used for printing and issuing of tickets. To cut down the operating cost airlines had to turn to e-ticketing to limit their sales offices and reduce their dependency on sales agents. Every airline has now setup their own website offering online booking facility. This also allow Airlines to promote different marketing strategies through web site which gives them more chance to attract new customers. Through the use of e-commerce and development of websites airlines has integrated all the parties involve in a business process for instance tourism business industry can link up with airline website using the integrated information system so that they can get the real time data through share database about the customers booking for their hotel along with the airline tickets. Online sells has also extended the business hours for airlines since customers can do online bookings round the clock and thus throughout the year. While passengers have the luxury of scheduling their own flight in a matter of few clicks saving both time and money. Conclusion: E-commerce has revolutionized the business models. Trading online enables businesses to reach much wider audience while cutting the costs of traditional retailing methods. It also provide businesses with long working hours and minimum human capital. E-commerce allows businesses to better understand and meet the demands of customers, working more closely with them by managing databases, resulting in better supply chain management activities and efficient logistics. E-commerce has also changed the way customers learn , select, purchase and use products and services, providing them with more personalized experience ever and by cutting the middle man out businesses have provide consumers with fast processing and close interaction with company.