Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wedding Photography Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Wedding Photography Survey - Essay Example actice of wedding photography has developed and grown ever since the development of the pictorial art form by Joseph Nicà ©phore Nià ©pce, in 1826 (Baatz 27). An early photograph, in fact, recorded a decade after this was the 1840 wedding ceremony of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. The market for this endeavour is individuals who look forward to getting married. The venture strictly takes place during the period of the wedding, but not necessarily on the wedding day. The wedding photographers advertise themselves through various mediums such as television or mostly magazines (Baatz 45). A majority of photographers prefer to be paid prior to the service, but all expenses can be refunded if the client is not pleased with the work. Some of the equipments needed are lenses, wide-angle zoom, wide-to-telephoto zoom, image-stabilized telephoto zoom, camera body, flashes and accessories, light modifiers and a bag to hold it all among other items. A recent trend in the wedding photography field is the vintage effect. Photographers are now able to give pictures a vintage effect making the pictures appear as if they were from a different time period (the past) other than now (Baatz 98). Locations include the main wedding venue, parks (places with a lot of tress), as well as water sites. This depends with the preference of the couple. A survey carried out by the Photo District News (PDN), in 2009, confirmed that less bookings with a 6.5% plunge in wedding photography were experienced with a few less hours per week on the venture in 2009 than in 2008 (PDN 1). Wedding photographers who provide a la carte services have increased their costs by 1 ½%. The photographers who provide packages have increased their prices by 3%. The most fascinating part of it is that half of the photographers added a much higher priced package in 2009, by 40+%, and they seem to be photographers who want their incomes to increase every year. Half of the photographers added lower-priced packages that

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Types Of E Commerce

The Types Of E Commerce Emergence of internet over the past few years has changed the trends of business world at exponential rate. Now world has become a Global Village which means what used to be a single physical market place located in one geographical area has now become a border-less marketplace, attracting customers and businesses from all over the world. It provides businesses with many advantages for instance setting up an online business is less costly since it doesnt require physical infrastructure for a shop, a business can operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year, these long working hours helps businesses generating more profits. It also offers businesses to try new product lines and marketing strategies in cost effective way. The biggest advantage of online business is that even small businesses can compete with international corporations since consumers cannot figure out the actual size of firm. E-commerce can be defined in different ways: E-commerce refers to various online commercial activities focusing on commodity exchanges by electronic means, internet in particular. Zheng Qin (2009) , Introduction to e commerce, Page 7 E-COMMERCE refers to the paperless exchange of business information using electronic data interchange, electronic mail, electronic bulletin boards, electronic funds transfer, world wide web, and other network-based technologies. E-COMMERCE, The Cutting Edge of Business , Second Edition (2005) by Kamlesh K Bajaj and Debjani Nag E-COMMERCE is the use of telecommunications and computers to facilitate the trade of goods and services E-commerce by S. Pankaj (2005) page 3 Types of E-commerce There are Four Main Types Of E-commerce Model: 1) Business to Business (B2B) B2B can be define as commerce transactions between businesses, such as transactions between a wholesaler and retailer. 2) Business to Consumer (B2C) As discussed in class lecture, B2C refers to a commerce transaction between business and individual rather then a company or Businesses selling to the general public for example Dell computer which sells directly to general public through website. 3) Consumer to Business( C2B) C2B is a reverse form of business to consumer, in C2B the commerce transaction take place between consumer and business, for instance, which allow individuals to place their requirements on a website within hours companies review the project and make bids on a project then consumer review the bids and select the company with most suitable bid. 4) Consumer to Consumer (C2C) C2C is simply a commerce transaction between consumer to consumer, manay auctions webistes allow consumers to interact with other consumers to buy and sell all sort of items for example, Above mentioned types of E-commerce clearly shows that electronic commerce is becoming the back bone of transactions at every level for both businesses and consumers. The impact of this emerging trend has changed the fundamentals of supply chain management by redefining the way in which consumers select, purchase and use products and services. E-commerce has also provided companies with opportunity to work more closer to customers what we call consumers intimacy which allow companies to shape their innovation process with changing demand of consumers. Classifications of Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-Commerce: As described by Deborah Morley Charles S. Parker(2010) With the business to consumer model, businesses sell goods or services to individual consumers. The B2C model was one of the first major types of e-commerce business models to be defined and implemented using the Web. Some example of B2C businesses include,,, and There are two main types of B2C E-Commerce: 1) Direct Sellers Direct Sellers are those companies which provide products or services directly to consumers. The important factors that contribute towards the success of B2C e-commerce are Direct Selling experience and consumers database. There is a limit to amount of information that can be communicated through catalogs but internet offers a powerful medium by which direct sellers can provide consumers with thousands of products with detailed description and high-quality visuals. Example: Dell Computers 2) Online Intermediaries Online intermediaries are companies that facilitate transactions between buyers and sellers and receive a percentage of the transactions value. For examples Internet Service Providers( ISP). Supply Chain Management An electronic alternative to the traditional paper chain, providing companies with a smarter, faster, more efficient way to get the right product to the right customer at the right time and price. Combines the power of the Internet with the latest technology, enabling participating suppliers to access up-to-date company information and enabling companies to better manage and track supply and demand IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON AIRLINE INDUSTRY: The blessings of Internet have been observed the most by Airline Industry and as a result of it Airline ticket sales now comprise of the largest portion of all product sales made online. This is because e-ticketing is beneficial for both the airlines as well as the travelers. Traditionally the only options available to a passenger were either to buy tickets from a travel agency or from airport. But now with the advent of Internet, airlines have used tool like e-distribution system. An airlines costs can be divided into following two parts: Direct Operating Costs- which includes aircraft, its fuel and salaries of the staff Indirect Operating Costs- which is the distribution cost. The direct operating cost will remain more or less fixed while there is room for saving on indirect cost. This is where e-commerce can play an important role by integrating all business units and efficiently managing logistics. The major components of indirect cost for airline industry includes Sales office, Reservation system ,Travel agent fees,Ticketing fees Promotion and advertisements. Previously, airlines payed commissions to travel agents for selling their tickets, in addition money was also spent on setting up of sales office and staff salaries. Extra capital was used for printing and issuing of tickets. To cut down the operating cost airlines had to turn to e-ticketing to limit their sales offices and reduce their dependency on sales agents. Every airline has now setup their own website offering online booking facility. This also allow Airlines to promote different marketing strategies through web site which gives them more chance to attract new customers. Through the use of e-commerce and development of websites airlines has integrated all the parties involve in a business process for instance tourism business industry can link up with airline website using the integrated information system so that they can get the real time data through share database about the customers booking for their hotel along with the airline tickets. Online sells has also extended the business hours for airlines since customers can do online bookings round the clock and thus throughout the year. While passengers have the luxury of scheduling their own flight in a matter of few clicks saving both time and money. Conclusion: E-commerce has revolutionized the business models. Trading online enables businesses to reach much wider audience while cutting the costs of traditional retailing methods. It also provide businesses with long working hours and minimum human capital. E-commerce allows businesses to better understand and meet the demands of customers, working more closely with them by managing databases, resulting in better supply chain management activities and efficient logistics. E-commerce has also changed the way customers learn , select, purchase and use products and services, providing them with more personalized experience ever and by cutting the middle man out businesses have provide consumers with fast processing and close interaction with company.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Deceptive Advertising Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Ads Essays

Deceptive Advertising As a consumer in a world of constant advertising messages being flashed before my eyes, I am always wary of the truth of those messages that I see. It is terrible when consumers see an advertisement, whether it is in a magazine, television or any other medium, and they decide to make a purchase only to find out they are not getting what they originally planned or have to pay more than they had expected. Deceptive advertisements have been a problem since the early days of media and consumers have needed to keep an eye out for them. Yet, with so many advertisements that consumers are exposed to each day, worrying about the truth of every line and every sentence of an ad is quite inconvenient. Advertisers must follow strict guidelines to stay clear of lawsuits resulting from deceptive advertisements. I will be focusing on automobile advertisements and how consumers have been deceived through their ads.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deceptive advertising can be described as "advertising which is misleading in a material aspect.'; (Simon 256) This definition would include all the false and misleading advertisements that would appear in print, television, radio, outdoor and direct mailings. As well as more non-traditional forms of advertising like transportation ads along with the use of pictures, trade names, display materials, labels, sales talks, sales letters, price lists and catalogs. As any consumer can see, advertisers have many means by which they can "trick'; or deceive us consumers into buying products not planned for.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unlike most tort cases that are decided in the courtroom by a judge, most deceptive advertisement claims are turned over to governmental agencies like the Federal Trade Commission. Agencies like the FTC are better suited to handle these cases because they have the necessary expertise to make proper decisions. So before an ad can be deemed deceptive, a complaint must be made to the FTC. From then an investigation can be made into the falseness and deceptiveness of the advertisement. The FTC tests to see the reaction from other consumers as to how misleading the ad is. These tests are done in the atmosphere and under the same circumstances as the actual consumer would be in. The test is based on the casual reaction of the consumer and the impression that they received from the ad. This public view of the "ordinary and truste... the consumers should have understood it. This settlement will help consumers feel more comfortable when they go through the leasing process. Hopefully, consumers won't have to worry about deceptive advertisements because advertising agencies and automobile companies will have to clearly state all the costs and conditions in a clear manner.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One day I plan on purchasing a new car and it is very likely that I will lease it. This settlement between Grey Advertising and the Federal Trade Commission will put some ease to the consumer because they know that the advertisements should be truthful and they should contain all of the information necessary to make an informed decision. It will still be necessary for the consumer to read through ads completely and carefully, not relying solely on the large, bold copy of the ad. Print ads, especially automobile ads, try to be visually pleasing to the eye but there is a need for the "negative'; information to be displayed. As a general rule to the consumer, always be as informed as possible before making a purchasing decisions. Buyers beware. Works Cited Page FTC DRIVES TO END THE BLUR IN CAR LEASING ADS, (August 28, 1998)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Explore the Significance of Metafiction in Jeanette Winterson’s Story of the Twelve Dancing Princesses

Throughout Winterson’s rendition of ‘the twelve dancing princesses’ – adapted from the renowned story by the Grimm Brothers –the plotline is explicitly centred around an array of fictional images. Implicitly though, the metafiction and accretion used can be unveiled as symbolism that correlates with a larger meaning; the images associated with men are uncomfortable and even evil in comparison to the comforting images (including the mermaid) that represent womanhood. Therefore, in the two specific examples of the mermaid and the poison, the reader may accept fiction as an underlying detail that leads to a deeper truth or argument.In the exact example of the mermaid the reader learns that the senior princess has fallen in love with her (the mermaid) and that they ‘live in the well’ together. The scene is evidently fictional; mermaids don’t exist, and if they did, then Jordon and the princess wouldn’t be able to stand in the w ell and converse with the mermaid due to biological impossibilities. Therefore the statement is immediately false, yet the reader may find themselves accepting it as truth in order to move on to the grittiness of the plotline, and discover the significance of the mermaid; her impact can be interpreted in various ways.Firstly, the mermaid could be seen as the product of rebellion against the conventional ritual of marriage to a husband. Rebellion seems a reasonable suggestion after studying the original story, which Winterson’s tale is arguably a continuation of. The ‘doors that were shut and locked up’ each night exemplify the father’s masculine domination over the freedom of his daughters. Likewise, in the tale the King’s offspring would rather see the soldiers killed than have their freedom limited; that ‘they laughed heartily’ at the sleeping soldier exhibits this.That the princess had to plunge in ‘deep waters’ in Winte rson’s tale exemplifies how she was willing to face the unknown (traditionally in literature the ocean is feared e. g. In the Tempest Ferdinand cries ‘hell is empty and all of the devils are here’ before plummeting into the ocean) in order to search for entertainment aside from her husband. Secondly, the mermaid could represent the princesses’ craving for womanhood – this links on from the rebellion against masculine dominance.The ‘deep waters’ as a meeting place, followed by the fact that the couple live in the well – envisaging a womb like place due to its round and wet characteristics – may bring to some reader’s minds an obvious yearning for womanly presence and dominance within the princess. It is noticeable that the existence of a mother is lacking in both renditions of the myth and so arguably the princess may be trying to reconnect with the womb of the Motherly figure that appears nonexistent in childhood. A cceptance of nonsense can be further seen on page 55 in a passage where content may be viewed as allegorical.There is also arguably a sense of intertextuality as it bares reflection to the synoptic bible passage of the demon possessed man (Mathew 8:28-34), which should consequently ring out clear symbolic meaning to the reader. The melodramatic line ‘Out of his (the husband) belly came a herd of cattle and a fleet of pigs ’ can be defined by the reader as an impossible scenario. Consequently the reader will seek the implicit meaning which holds a deeper content. In the Bible passage, the rearing of swine off the cliff enabled the demon possessed man to walk freed from his past torments.Therefore, the suggestion could be that the husband is better off dead, released from sin, than living alive as an overeater with evil within him – gluttony being a biblical crime. This argument is supported when the door salesman says to the princess ‘you are right to kill h im’. The princess’s hate for her husband’s obesity reflects the forced status of their marriage; nowhere in the passage does any form of love or appreciation ring clear, only a sense of endurance – ‘we had been married a few years’ for example suggests that the princess thinks that this is a fair enough trail run before murdering him .He is presented as unlikeable through firstly the unpleasant verbs that the princess attaches to his actions – ‘gulped’, ‘crashing’, ‘swelled’, ‘complained’ – and secondly through the portrayal of him as the demon. Arguably, the princess finds control and order after the fictional explosion that kills her husband, as Winterson writes in the first person, ‘I rounded them (the herd) up’ – stressing the herd’s obedience to her – contrasting to their disorderly actions to the husband who ‘had always complained a bout his digestion’ while the herds had been inside of him.Following on from this, it is arguable that with the ending of her (the princess’s) marriage came her ability to ‘live according’ to her ‘tastes’. Her true satisfaction is exemplified in the final sentence ‘I prefer farming to cooking,’ which, again allegorically, is arguably stating that she prefers her single life – where she farms the cattle- , to her married life – where she cooks the cattle. Therefore, again in this passage, the reader may accept that the content is fanciful to the real world, but for the passage it is necessary as the images created have significant impact on the symbolic meaning that Winterson is creating.Is Winterson a feminist? This could certainly be argued given the evidence found in the passages. A strong conclusion to her work is that woman have more of a chance of ‘living happily ever after’ by ‘living accordi ng to their own tastes’ than through forced marriage – the latter being the favourable traditionally in fairytales. This is mainly because Winterson’s argument represents a changing view of a woman’s place in a more modern society than that of Grimm’s.Although she retains the same time period as the original tale, the conclusion that woman can find freedom through outwitting their husbands is much different from literature that would have been produced in early decades – (albeit freedom is temporarily found by the daughters in Grimm’s tale when they outwit their father, and the soldiers night after night). Therefore a reader may acknowledge the falsehood in Winterson’s passages, and yet acknowledge it as true in search for the deeper truth underneath.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Biography Informative Speech

As we all know, grandmas are known for making delicious food. I discovered a long time ago that have a big problem breaking eggs; so I was very excited when I discovered the gaggles recipe for Cocoa Kiss Cookies. I was given the recipe for these cookies by my mom, Rena Williams. My mom got the recipe from her mother; Lucy Long, who got the recipe from the chocolate factory in Hershey, PA. II. If you ever are In a situation where you need to Impress your grandma then, cook her a chocolate cookie with a kiss In the center. Ill.Cookies are easier to make than you think so I'm going to show you the three steps in making cocoa kiss cookies: the ingredients, the mixing process, and baking. ‘V. First: Ingredients needed A. The wet mixture 1. You will need 1 cup melted butter. 2. 2/2 cup sugar combined with melted butter. 3. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract to form wet mixture. B. The dry mixture 1. You will need 1 and % cups all purpose flour. 2. To finalize dry mixture you need 1/4 cup coc oa. C. Re-last the Ingredients: 1. 1 cup melted butter 2. 2/2 cup sugar 3. 1 TTS. Vanilla extract 4. /2 cup all-purpose flour 5. H cup cocoa 6. Hershey Kisses to put In center later V. Secondly: Mixing ingredients 1 . First the contents of the wet mixture (the butter, sugar and vanilla) are mixed within a larger bowl until all the ingredients are well blended. 2. A good tip from my grandma, Lucy, is to never pour the vanilla over the mixing bowl in case the vanilla spills. This way if a spill occurs, the dough Is not ruined. B. The dry mixture 1 . The Ingredients of the dry mixture (flour and cocoa) are mixed together In a smaller bowl until evenly distributed.Mixing the flour and cocoa evenly will only take a few stirs with a spoon. 2. After mixing the dry ingredients together, pour them into the wet mixture and start stirring. C. The dough 1 . A hint from Hershey. Com says, â€Å"Do not over-mix the dough because it may cause the cookies to spread too much. † 2. To help che ck your mixing, the dough should be place in the refrigerator to chill for an hour, or until firm enough to handle. VI. Baking A. Forming the dough 1. To form the dough into balls, scoop out a spoonful of dough and place in the palm f your hand. . Take one Hershey kiss and place in the center of the dough ball. 3. Use both hands to form the dough around the Hershey kiss. B. Baking the dough 1. Heat the oven to 375 degrees. 2. Place the dough balls onto an engrossed cookie sheet. 3. Bake 10-12 minutes or until they are set. 4. Cool the cookies completely after baking before removing them from cookie sheet. VI'. Conclusion So, to summarize lets go over the three parts: A. First, we have the butter, sugar, and vanilla which make up the wet mixture. The lour and cocoa make up the dry mixture.B. Second, we blend the wet and dry mixtures together until we have playgroup like dough. C. Lastly, after rolling the dough and Hershey Kisses together, they are baked in the oven for about 10 minu tes. So if you ever are in a situation where you need to impress your grandma, cook her a chocolate cookie with a kiss in the center. Works Cited â€Å"Baking Hints. † Heresy's website. Hershey, PA. 2014. Http://www. Heartsickness. Com Long, Lucy. Personal Interview. Septet. 2014. Williams, Rena. Personal Interview. Septet. 2014.